Xmas Stocking
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School update, because I'm sure you...really care? ^^;
Okay, so, when I last said anything on LJ, I had a 70 on that Chem test. Well, Chem just got harder, but I managed to survive. Had the final...well, by this time of night it would be yesterday morning. It could have been much worse.
And yet, I still switched majors, from Nursing to Human Development and Family Studies.
I find HDFS absolutely fascinating; it was my favorite subject this semester - probably the only one I found really interesting for itself. Philosophy was nice when we got into deep discussions, but I find myself disagreeing with practically everything everyone says, especially all the people whose thoughts we had to study, and I don't care enough to pursue the subject further. And chem? Forget it. I'm not a hard-science gal. It wasn't any fun, except my lab partner was really nice and lab itself could get sort of funny. None of that had anything to do with chemistry itself. And my two nursing courses...er...we learned about how the health care system operates. It was extremely boring. It required a lot of organization. Also, in the grand scheme of things, it seemed like the part of health care that an aspiring nurse would care about the least. I know it's important to the way the world spins, but it's just not something there's room for in my particular life. Again, as with chem, I respect it, but that's about as far as it goes.
Nurses themselves, however...I just admire them all the more! I'll always be a friend of the profession. I'll do whatever I can from an outsider's position. I will try my hardest to eliminate certain stereotypes of the people around me - that nurses are less-important staff, that they are subordinate, that nursing is a profession for softies. Nurses are overworked and underpaid. Nurses deal with bull from both doctors and the very patients they want to help. Their jobs are often very critical - the monitoring of life-supporting equipment, for example. They are rushed and generally feel that they can't possibly function the way that they want to. It takes a lot of courage to try to do some of the necessary jobs of nursing, like convincing someone who is elderly and depressed to take his medicine against his will or drawing a necessary blood sample from a screaming child. Nursing work is all important to the functioning of society, but a great deal of the job is absolutely not pretty. If you don't have the guts to deal with the day-to-day pressure from the time you're educated to the day you'll retire, you'll turn around and leave as fast as possible.
Me? Yeah, I'm one of those lazy people. Maybe someday, when I'm a bigger, more mature person, if I can't find my niche in some other service-related profession, I'll give nursing another look. Until then, I look forward to studying people, maybe learning how to see things from more points of view, and maybe trying to help them equally but in a different way.
Look, I don't want to come off as selfish or anything. (Maybe lazy...I do admit to that.) But it's my LJ...I shouldn't lie in it, right? XD