Some news

Aug 06, 2009 07:53

I feel like I have been updating a lot as of late. Ah well.

There was a depressing moment in my life last weekend where I didn't think I would be able to go to the conference in San Francisco. Can't remember if I premised this at all in other entries- but long story short- research conference in San Fran with my favorite professor/mentor/advisor/research director and now friend + sight seeing before the fact. Anyway, I didn't think I'd be able to go because you have to send in a CURRENT class schedule when you register. I am graduated and not in graduate school until next year.

Well, the conference director gave permission for me to still get student rates, and still stay in the student hotel rooms, which are only $30 a night. Plus, my dad has enough miles from something (maybe a credit card?) that I can get my flight free! YAY!

On the apartment front- the past two days have been spent largely in a frenzy of packing, moving, unpacking, and cleaning. Tuesday I fell asleep promptly after work and didn't get started packing up the kitchen until about 9 at night. Not good. I was still unconscious when my parents showed up the next morning.

Then, we packed a car, SUV, and trailer full of stuff, went over to the apartment, only for me to walk in and be immediately overwhelmed by the smell of cigarettes. Great. So I called the landlord. What a wonderful way to start out a relationship. He was great though, and brought some machines in that do something that takes away the smell, but also sucks all the oxygen out of the room, so... we had to kill 3 hours before we could start moving in. No prob-we got breakfast and various things that I needed/ wanted.

However, we severely underestimated how much stuff I had, how lethargic all of us but my mom were going to get (she just got fairly manic) and how much cleaning there actually was to do. Suffice to say, when my parents left, at 11 pm (they got there at 10 am), my apartment was half clean (and largely due to the efforts of Kristina and Laura, neither of whom lived there), and the bare minimum of stuff was unpacked so that I could make my bed.

Laura and Kristina, for some strange reason, feel like they should go to my apartment while I'm at work today and finish cleaning. I don't even know how to thank them. Even with that, though, today is going to be another loooong day.

conference, moving, apartment, school

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