Last week's agenda, made of FAIL:
- Edit fb2010
- Release fb2010
- Show notes for fb2010
- Show notes for RBR006
- Release SA029
- Show notes for SA029
Meh, sez I.
The weekend came... the weekend went. It was supposed to be long, but it wasn't. Well, it was if you look at it from a chronometric perspective. Just not from my perspective.
As you saw from the agenda list above, I didn't do anything before the murder mystery. In fact, until I re-read Friday's entry this morning, I forgot that I had even intended to do show notes on Saturday. No, I'm not surprised either. I don't remember what I did on Saturday prior to the show. (This will actually hold true for much of the home time during the course of the weekend.)
I take it back. I do remember part of what I did. Munchkin, who had been editing the podcast as I wrote Friday's entry, didn't do very much in the way of editing. She was trying to be like me, I guess. So I had to go back and re-edit her edit. I was not a happy camper about it, either. I'm glad it will end after 12 episodes. (That was the mutual decision we reached. She's not into it, and I can't see forcing her to continue now that she actually gave it a shot. Some people are podcasters, and some truly are not.)
The last show of this run of Murder on the Movie Set was the kind of show to go out on. We had the best audience we've ever had. I seem to have said that a lot this year, but it's been true each time. I guess our audiences just get better and better. This crowd was in a very good mood! There were laughs in places they never find funny! And in the audience participation segments? Oh yeah, you could hardly hear yourself mocking the poor victims.
After the show was over, the five of us headed to Cuba Libre, a little club across the street and two doors over. Overpriced appetizers and beverages mixed with enjoyable conversation (until the too-loud music started) made for a very nice wrap-up to the last six months. This has been, by far, my favorite cast of this show. At least now I have a facebook account with my real name, and I can pester them there. Particularly Holly. She pesters back.
Sunday I got to spend the afternoon / evening with my family. My brother happened to be visiting, so Sis made a point to abduct me for a journey to insanity. Her kids drive me crazy sometimes. Sis and Beau-in-Law took us to a place called Ho Ho, a chinese barbecue place. They ordered the dinner for "eight" -- there are nine of us -- and the staff brought mountains and mountains of food. One of Beau-in-Law's friends happened by, and they invited him to sit with us as well.
Got to watch two monster-themed movies with the kids. Monsters Inc and Little Monsters. Hard to believe Fred and Ben Savage were ever that young. Good movies, and it let me take the latter film out of my Instant Watch queue.
And holy crap, Tweedle is the cutest little guy in the world! I wish I had brought my camera with me this time. Normally I bring it along but then don't take any pictures. I definitely would have this time.
Before they dropped me off, Sis, Bro, all the kids, and I went to Amy's ice cream for some frozen yumbly. Our server suffered graciously, though I suspect if he ever sees us again he'll quickly decide it's break time and let another server take our orders. I went easy on him, but the rest demanded crush'ns and extras, trying to order things that weren't on the menu, and raising all kinds of havoc. I didn't envy him at all.
Monday was Labor Day here in the States. That meant I didn't have to come to work. I did do my Monday morning weigh-in, though. I am down another pound and a half, bringing my total loss to 23.4 pounds thus far. (10.61 kg.) Slow and steady wins the race, as the saying goes. The fact that the number is as high as it is makes me wonder where it's coming from -- I'm still not seeing it when I look in the mirror.
Spent most of the day doing a whole lot of nothing. Mostly, I watched random TV shows on the internet, some from Netflix, some from other legal net sources. (Not really into pirating, myself. Downloading takes too long, in my opinion. Streaming, for the win.)
Nothing podcast-related got done since Saturday's fix-up of what munchkin didn't finish. I hope to remedy that this week.
Speaking of which, here's what I hope to accomplish this week. Actual mileage may vary:
- Show notes for fb2010
- Show notes for RBR006
- Show notes for RBR007
- Show notes for SA029
- Edit SA030
- Release SA030
As always, I'll keep you posted.