Animal update....

Feb 02, 2014 18:34

Posting about the fish last night was obviously a mistake: I've just changed their water, and there's a very sad-looking Minnow alternating between flailing around on the surface of the water and hanging vertically in a corner of the tank.

I had a pootle around online and found a a couple of threads on a Black Lab forum where people said "We just had out bitch spayed and now she's being very odd: she's making dens that she takes her toys into, and whenever we move around she come to check on us then dashes back to her toys. She keeps whimpering even though she never normally does, and she's not eating properly." A couple of them also reported that the dog was lining the toys up next to her, one per nipple, and licking the nipples to try and get the milk flowing, which might explain why she has chapped skin next to some nipples. Fortunately, they all came back a few days later and said "she's back to normal now".

Mr Next Door came to borrow me a little while ago: could I go and help with Mad Horse as he'd over-reached and cut himself (Mrs Next Door is at the "bending down is hard work" stage). (In retrospect, given that he's had his shoes off, this was unlikely.) When I picked it up and wiped the mud off, our immediate reaction to the pulse of blood coming out was "Bollocks, that's a puncture wound," but fortunately when I cleaned it a bit more I realised that the edge of the frog was a bit wobbly by the heel, so we think he must have just caught it on a rock that the rain's exposed. By the time I'd washed it and stuffed some gamgee in, it had pretty much stopped bleeding, so we just wrapped it up in duct tape and will see how it is in the morning.

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fish, jodie the dog

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