Life update

Oct 29, 2016 16:42

I wrote a post for my website with brief write-ups on all the conferences this month!
What I didn't put there was that I totally fan-girled Jane Malcolm-Davies, who was also at the Textile Society of America symposium to present. I was talking to her in the hall just all peer-like about the conference, etc. then I told her I had to admit I've been a big fan ever since I had a workshop with her in California like 10 years ago! She was great! And now I may be interning to help long-distance with the database for her research on the knitted caps of the 16th century! Yay for more work! Wait... what have I done?! Hahahaha!
So I guess that kind of gives this post costume content... ;)

travel, tudor tailor, 2016, college, conferences

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