more event planning!

Feb 11, 2011 10:51

I finished the 18th century-ish dresses for my friend, so now all that is left to do is find a large enough box and ship them off. My mind already moved on to thinking about what is next, because the costumer's society I recently joined posted the 2011 event calendar. I still have to comb a few other sites for events, but here's what I have in mind (though it is a *little* ambitious and will likely get trimmed):

historical reenactors market,
Empire weekend in Switzerland with fiofiorina
18th c Easter outing to a chateau with group (hopefully with heileen and green_martha)

18th c ball at Vaux le Vicomte
17th/18th c picnic at Vaux
general frollicking and costume geekery with demode

Empire ball in Paris
medieval faire
Second Empire dinner party with group

medieval faire
Empire outing with group
UK costume symposium
trip to USA?

Costume College?
1660 event at Vaux

medieval faire

Renaissance ball at Chambord
18th c event at Chateau Arcelot

1830s Romantic outing/museum? with group

medieval faire and market

And what does one need for a pique-nique of the grandest style at a chateau? Why, a pique-nique basket, of course! I found this gem at my local brocante shop (sounds cooler than "thrift store") and I think I will line it with this sample fabric from my stash and replace the cane hinges with ribbons. :)

symposium, travel, 2011, events

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