It has been too long since my last entry, but honestly my life isn't really all that interesting. I work, I watch tv shows on dvd, and sleep. Sometimes I do exciting things like reorganize my storage closet or buy way too many $1 Office items at Target.
I still don't have any friends here, and I'm kinda sad about that, but not really surprised. I mean, I know I am awful at making friends. I am lazy.
Today is a big day.
Melissa is in labor right now. My mom actually just called me to tell me she is dilated at 8/9 cm right now. Things are progressing well. My 18-year-old sister is about to become a mom. This scares the crap out of me. I know my mom is there with her, and will be helping (probably for a long time), but it still feels weird to think that Melissa is starting someone's life today.
I honestly do not think I will ever have kids. My family hates when I say this, because of course they want me to, but I cannot imagine it. I don't know if I could do it. On top of that I can't even make friends, let alone land a boyfriend. So there. I'm not sure how Melissa is so sure she can do it. I kinda wish we were closer so we could discuss stuff like this, but she has more important stuff to worry about. For, like, the next 18 years.
In other news, I booked a flight to Florida in March for $42 TOTAL! I am crazy excited about this for many reasons. 1) I get to see some awesome people 2) I get to go to beaches 3) I love flying. I wish I could go right now.
I have lots of plans for the next ELEVEN weekends:
Sept 21-24: Danielle visits
Sept 28-20: Traveling to CMU for Homecoming
Oct 5-6: Dad visits
Oct 6-7: Katie visits, MAROON 5 concert!
Oct 12-14: Katie and I travel to CMU for a home football game/fun times with friends
Oct 20: Cedar Point with some of my fam
Oct 26-28: The Office Convention in Scranton, PA! Pretty sure I am going; will know more this week
Five weekends after that until the beginning of Dec: I work
Now my work schedule rotates me to work weekends for 6 weeks, then have them off for 6 weeks. Someone in our department got moved to another department, so now I will get fewer weekends off. I actually might care about this more if I had friends, but it's not that bad since I don't.
Wow. Did I mention my sister will be a mom in a few hours? Dylan James is coming into the world!
The Office season 4 starts in one week, 8 and a half hours!