Why I Want To Be a Hip-Hoppa

Mar 19, 2006 11:13

stardate: Sunday March 19th, year of our lord two-thousand six
venue:huffman's deli/cafe
with:Mr. Del hosting the Nu-Soul Sunday open Mic nite

I played my first nu-soul sunday open mic nite a little while ago (refer to the post that says MY FIRST OPEN MIC NITE), and it was pritty fun. I just played one song and it was silly. Mostly I was trying to get an in at Huffman's deli, which worked. earlier in the week I got a call from one of Mr. Del's people to see if I wanted to come back and play 3 songs at the next one, I thought it might be kind of fun, and potentially disastrous, but said I was in. They also wanted me to learn one of Del's songs on guitar. This I was definetly in on, because I have been wanting to do it for a while.

There were a lot more people at this show than the last one, and while the last one had a lot of free-styling, and mostly girls singing by themselves, this one had primarily people doing spoken word, and one guy showing off and explaining some amazing paintings that he had done. There is nothing I love more in life than ecclecticness and the mixture of different types of art together, so all of this made me really happy.

after they took a short break I got up to do my songs. I chose the three songs I totally botched on thursday so that I could feel better about myself. This time around was much better, and I did a lot better of being entertaining and getting people involved. This was the best crowd I have ever had. They clapped along, were extremely receptive and warm to me, and for some reason laughed when I said things. I thought I played really well too, and I had a ton of fun. So after my three songs Mr. Del came up. The song they told me to learn was called "all about you" which I did learn, but I also decided to learn a song called "love on God tonite" which is what I really wanted to play. It turned out to be a really good thing, because Mr. Del couldn't remember all of all about you, so we got to do the other one, and I got to sing all of the soul/r&b parts. The crowd went INSANE, this was one of my favorite musical moments I have had, and we get to do it again this sunday in Jackson, TN.

after we got done everyone was really cool, and came up and talked to me. one guy in specific told me that I had soul. This comment made me rediculously happy, I have longed to hear that. This has become more important than me rocking or kicking-a**. I want people to feel it. THank you soul-exhorter, you rule.
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