credits to laurcifers & sharedheaven @ tumblr
This was a really odd episode. There were parts that were awesome, and parts that weren't so awesome. It had more little awesome parts, but the unawesome parts outweighed them in terms of emotional appeal.
Onto the word vomit...
First off, I thought the psychic town was both cool and freaky. haha Lily Dale sure is an interesting to live in. I liked the antique shop (?) guy, but I had a feeling he was our suspect. People and ghosts killing just to kill is just sick though, and even though Sam hardly kills people, his gunshot was justified here. I read somewhere on tumblr and the person was questioning Sam on his behavior, and I thought it was a bit strange, but when I had the chance to think about it, the other ghosts and people (minus Benders) mostly killed because they were either wrong or they had no choice. Like Amy. Sam looks beyond the killing and into the reasons behind it, and that's just Sam with his grayness, which is why I respect him so much.
Things I liked:
- Dean checking his phone and finding no new voicemail. Sorry buddy, but you're in the doghouse and also too stubborn to call so. No messages for you.
- That awkward moment when Dean tells a joke only to find Sam not there to roll his eyes and tell him he's not funny.
- How the boys met up. It's not about the leviathans, but such an odd case would definitely attract the Winchesters. Props to Sera and the writing team!
- Dean trying so hard to act like everything was normal was kind of pathetic, but also sweet. Cracking jokes to make Sam laugh and the nonstop talking was funny. I realize now how much I like to see Dean squirm, trying to get his brother to stop being mad at him. I was this close to just being like "Aww fuck it Sammy, just take him back already!"
- The bitchface Sam had on when Dean was squirming, basically reading "I know you're trying your hardest, but it's not getting you anywhere Dean."
- Sam easing off the bitchface just because he can't help it when it comes to Dean. His brother's an idiot, but he's Sam's idiot.
- Sam's, "He broke my spoon!" + impending bitchface. I love that face, yes.
- Ellen. She's way tougher than all the guys on the show combined, and she's the only one who can actually kick Dean's ass. Wish she was there to actually do it though cause he is still in dire need of one ):
- Homoerotic subtext. Campbell brothers living alternative lifestyles? Long time partners? Romantic jewelry? LMAO. Oh Show, you are awesome.
- Sam barging in on the lamaze class. I was waiting for one or all of the pregnant ladies to suddenly go into labor because of him. lolololol Oh Sam.
- Dean admitting that he's been acting so crazy because he doesn't like lying to Sam. He really knows how to soften my heart.
- The boys sharing that smile at the end. There was so much sexual tension, I thought Dean was going to throw Sam into the car and start their makeup sex already.
Things I disliked:
- Dean blowing up in Sam's face. I basically explained everything here but I want to add that I kind of understand Dean's frustration after having watched the episode in its entirety, only because he's been keeping his mouth shut even when he hates that Sam's pissed at him. However, I still don't think he has a right to call Sam a dick and a bitch, and then pulling the Lucifer card. Sam sucked it up and worked on the case with Dean because they happened to be working on it at the same time. He didn't really want to and he never said he was going to make this pleasant for Dean. What? Did Dean expect Sam to just stop being mad at him? Hell, Dean's apology last episode was so fleeting, he may as well not have said it at all. And next time Dean demands to know if Sam is fine or not, Sam should do what Dean does: just brush him off and drink a whole bottle of Jack down. I mean, fair's fair right? Dean's weighed with so much guilt and stress and alcohol problems, Sam really doesn't need to tell Dean all his problems until he's sure Dean's got his nuts screwed in right. Just saying.
- Sam didn't punch Dean.
- Sam giving in too easily. Some people are saying they're happy that Sam apologized and that he finally grew up, but I feel like Dean's the one who has more growing up to do. It's usually harder to forgive and trust than the other way around, so Dean. Please continue your soul-searching, just not down the bottom of a bottle.
- The boys making up. Yes, I want everything to be okay between them, but not like this. I understand why Sam would tell Dean he was right in a way, as in Dean was right for killing Amy because Sam was too emotional about it, but that still doesn't excuse Dean lying to him. In the whole exchange, Sam never really said "I'm sorry" directly, but it was heavily implied by him putting his things back in the car and giving in to Dean, again. I don't understand why Sam would have to when he did nothing wrong. People might bitch at me for this, but when it comes to resolving brotherly issues, Sam always has to be the bigger man. Sam's apologies are usually for Dean's sake, and I'm quoting nolifeanymore @ tumblr, "[Sam has Lucifer issues, and yet] he was still the one who had to step up and mend their bridge because Dean needed him."
- Dean can't trust people after the whole Cas thing. Again, I can understand the mistrust because of Cas, but when did Sam become just "people?" Seriously? He's implying that he doesn't trust Sam, the guy who went to hell and back to earn back his trust, and that just doesn't sit right with me at all.
- The main girl in the episode. Sorry, she's pretty, but she really can't act. Her flirting with Dean just made me roll my eyes.
In conclusion...
credits to technocolours @ tumblr
Sam's face says it all, really, as he sighs Dean's name.