WIP-Elimination Exercise

Sep 20, 2013 23:37

Last year at some point, I made myself do a little exercise where I listed my main WIPs and what it would take to get them finished and also what's holding them up.  It was really useful for me, so I'm gonna do it again, seeing as I have these fics that are so so close to being finished.

[4 fics that I conceivably finish]The Merlin OT4 Gift Fic for Concinnity
Current Word Count: 4700
Estimated Words Left: 500-1K
What's the problem: Er, well, there isn't a problem exactly. It just needs finishing.  And a beta.  It's a bit odd, actually, cuz I think the tone jumps around.  I should just write it and then let a beta or three tell me what to do about it.  Yeah.

The TW Melissa/Sheriff Fic
Current Word Count: 4200
Estimated Words Left: 2K?
What's the problem: It's a little disjointed, for one.  It started out as a 5 times fic, and so the first two major scenes aren't closely connected.  Maybe I need to come back to the original 5 times concept, actually.  Or some other kind of plot scheme that acknowledges the disjointedness.  Hmmm.

The Intensely Sappy Sheriff/Claudia Fic
Current Word Count: 1700
Estimated Words Left: 500ish
What's the problem:This is sort of a companion piece to the Melissa/Sheriff piece, and I stopped working on it mainly because I realized that I had turned Claudia into a manic pixie dream girl.  (To be fair to myself, this is kind of easy to do when you set out to write a female Stiles.)  I need to go back and make her more like a person and less a means for me to give the Sheriff his manpain.  I'm attached to the words I've already written, though, so it's this kind of tug-o-war between what I know needs to happen and my authorial pride.

The ST:ID Angst-a-thon Carol Marcus Fic
Current Word Count: 4K
Estimated Words Left: 500ish
What's the problem: Actually this one has already been beta-ed by two people, and so I do have concrete advice from smart people about what needs to happen: add feelings and add an ending.  That's it.  But its a post-movie fic, and it's extremely angsty cuz it's all about her father's funeral and her complicated feelings about her father, and yeah.  It's hard to write that kind of thing when you don't have the zeal of having just seen the movie to propel you forward.

These four are the fics I can see myself finishing in the foreseeable future.  I've also got the perverse_bang Merlin OT3 fic that I didn't finish (10K of that sucker and it probably needs another 5), but I think I need a break from it.  Or maybe for someone else to read it and tell me what to do with it.  IDK.

I also just got my assignments for both TW_FallHarvest and TW_holidays, and those both take highest priority.  I've got an idea and plot for one, but not the other.

writing exercise, fandom:star trek, writing, writing feels, fandom:merlin, fandom: teen wolf

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