etothepii and I watched it last night. Since the two of us have been watching Teen Wolf for so long, we had very, very low expectations and were pleasantly surprised. In sum? B+ Would watch again. THE REST OF YOU SHOULD WATCH IT WITH ME AND WE CAN ALL WRITE HET TOGETHER, IT'LL BE GRAND.
In terms of storytelling, it was a pretty okay romp. The plot was decent, the vague supernatural badness was occasionally a little creepy. There was lots of exposition, but it was a pilot episode, so what are you gonna do. The supernatural arc that they revealed was a bit over the top in my opinion.
Let's be real, though, my interest is in the characters, not the plot.
OH MY GOD, BADASS BLACK PROTAGONIST YAY. Her name is Abbie, and she's a cop and smart and has feelings and walks around with her gun and her womanpain (her partner/father-figure gets killed off early in the episode) and I love her. I love her so. She spends part of the episode trying to herd her confused little time-travelling dude by wielding her gun and telling him to "get in the damn car or I will shoot you," and basically that's all I want out of a het dynamic, guys.
They have a Buddy Cop Dynamic, guys!! Only the best dynamic ever!! They're teaming up to stop the supernatural baddy, and the show is already setting them up to be best bros 5ever, and that's always a good start for a ship in my book.
Also, their height difference makes me all wibbly.
Such pretty people!
Time-travelling white guy--Ichabod Crane--is adorable and confused and spends several minutes playing with the car's power windows, and etothepii and I agreed that that's really all we need out of him: to follow around Lady Cop while she gets shit done and ask her to explain things like Starbucks and iPads. He has a little backstory about his wife turning out to be a witch; the wife (on the left in the pic up top) seems to be an exposition box character, he talks to her in dreams about all his problems.
The only thing that was really, really Not Okay was that they killed off John Cho.
I was so excited, guys. There was time travel and the supernatural and an awesome black female protagonist, and then John Cho walked on screen in a cop uniform, an I was like, "SOLD." I was already planning all the different ways I was gonna ship John Cho with the female protagonist and the male protagonist and the police captain guy and all the extras and also the rifle he was carrying, and then he died. D: He was a one-episode character, I am so sad. DDDDDD:
I will soldier on, though. I will definitely watch next week, and I may or may not be composing fic in my head about Abbie explaining modern birth control to Ichabod.