I don't know what it is lately, but I keep coming across things and thinking, "Ooh! We should organize something around that!" Maybe I just really need some community in my life right now. So here's a couple of the things I've thought of. Which of these seems interesting to you? Which would you want to participate in?
Blind Date with a Fic Meme - I came across a
picture on tumblr from a library. They wrap books in brown paper and write cute little notes on the outside, and you can have a "blind date with a book": just pick up one of these books and go home and get a surprise! I thought this was adorable and also something that could be done with fic. We could have a little meme where comment with their names, and then we all go and set each other up on blind dates with fic! It would be a weird way of doing recs, I guess. People could list their likes/dislikes/triggers, idk.
Valentine Meme - I just really like Valentine's Day, guys. You could comment with your name and other people could comment with Valentines: just a cute picture or a note or a fic rec or a song or a little comment fic.
In other news, I am very. very. very. excited about signing up as both a writer and an artist in
paperlegends this Friday! I'm only sad that I can't get started on the art immediately.
Also. I will have a full draft of my dissertation proposal by the end of the week. Really. I could be ABD (all but dissertation) is a month. *takes deep breath* I should probably get off the internet and do that. (Anybody who wants to send me encouraging notes and/or yell at me about getting to work would be welcomed with open arms, btw. <3)