I have moved to San Francisco. Packed, moved, mostly unpacked. I'm a little pouty right now, because it is cold, damnit; it is like 55 degrees Fahrenheit in this apartment, and that is way too cold for the likes of me. I'm wearing a robe and scarf on top of my clothes, and I've cranked up the electric fireplace, which is the only source of climate control in the whole place. Texas may have spoiled me a little, with its ubiquitous central A/C and heating.
I had expected it to take longer to unpack, but I really own mostly clothes and books. I'm pretty proud of my efforts at book arrangement, actually. Witness:
The ones on the top two rows are mostly fiction and poetry (alphabetized, because I'm nerdy like that), and then it's nonfiction (academic, history, philosophy) on rows 2-3, then writing textbooks and handbooks finishing out row 3, then books for my dissertation plus dictionaries and cookbooks on row 4. Arranging books gives me such joy, guys, I can't even tell you.
And now I'm sitting on the couch near the fireplace, cold, grumpy about the rain outside, and a little hungry due to the fact that our roommates haven't been shopping much. For breakfast I had pretzels, part of a brownie, pita chips, and water. My plan is to go acquire food later in the day (as long as the rain stops).
Long term, I've got to work out a plan for balancing dissertation proposal writing, beta-ing, home improvement, and writing my own fic. I want to do all those things.
In the meantime, though, I'll leave you with my mantra: "San Francisco" as originally sung by Jeanette MacDonald in a movie of the same name with Clark Gable. MacDonald's 30's-appropriate operatic style has gotten made fun of through the years for some reason, most notably by Judy Garland before
singing the same song in swing style. (Or take a look at Rufus Wainwright
doing the song Garland-style.)
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