(no subject)

Oct 28, 2009 01:00

It appears I've been tagged by pixie117.

A. List seven habits/quirks/facts about yourself.
B. Tag seven people to do the same.
C. Do not tag the person who tagged you or say that you tag "whoever wants to do it".

1) Symmetry. I need symmetry. It's the OCD talking, but I can't handle anything being off-balance, mostly on my person. When I eat, I chew on each side equally. I'm not capable of wearing just a watch; there needs to be something on my other wrist. It bugs me to no end if I feel like one shoe is tied tighter than the other. If I so much as feel like my ponytail is too far to one side of my head, I'll re-do it until it's straight. And I'm honestly not sure how I handle the fact that my piercings aren't even (I want something else on the left, dammit). I've been like that as long as I can remember. It only gets bothersome when I don't have an even number of something I'm eating and therefore can't balance my chewing, heh.

2) My new favorite thing to do is crack my left thumb. I used to be able to crack every finger except my thumbs. I still can't really do the right, but I recently discovered my left cracks, and I loooove it. Yeah, I'm the obnoxious joint-cracker. I do my hands, my neck, my back, my knees, and my left shoulder (because it's technically dislocated, and has been for years, so I have to pop in back in every now and again). My knees crack so loudly that people ask me if I'm okay, hah. I'll be in actual pain if I don't crack what I can, though, so... Sorry, folks.

3) I'm much more high-maintenance than people think. I'm generally easy-going, but there are certain things I'm very particular about. I've discovered that I have preferred brands of cottage cheese (Hood), pickles (Mt. Olive), salsa (Tostitos), and trail mix (Deerfield Farms - the Walgreens brand, hah). I've actually been upset with my mother for buying brands I don't like. Now I even consistently buy the same hair products and makeup, when I always used to switch things up. I swear I never used to be like that. I've always had trouble picking favorites. Now I guess I'm just getting pickier in my old age. Set in my ways or something.

I'm trying to think of things you guys don't know... That's so hard. heh.

4) Well, this is a fun one. My skin is pretty much translucent. Most of the veins in my arms and legs are visible, in all their veiny blueness. I know, that's ridiculously attractive. It used to bother me, but now I don't notice until someone says something like, "Oh my god, I can see all your veins!" Yes. Yes you can. I'm pale. I'm aware.

5) I'm a loner, but I don't really like being alone. Yeah, that sounds weird. Like... I can definitely deal with not talking to someone 24 hours a day. I don't need to be socializing all the time. But I'm also such a paranoid person that I have a hard time being alone somewhere. I don't generally like going places alone, and being at home alone is a challenge a lot of the time. Usually more if it's for a few days as opposed to a few hours, but I'd still prefer to have someone around. Hearing them make noise is all it takes to make me feel more comfortable (also why I still sleep with the TV on). So it kind of goes without saying that I have a lot of relationships where I'm totally comfortable being silent with the other person, so long as we're in the same room.

6) I have an insanely good sense of smell. My mother works at a catholic nursing home that relies heavily upon donations of food and clothing. And sometimes they get more than they need, or stuff they just can't use. So my mother is always coming home with this extra business, like expired cookies or soda (the old folks aren't much for soda, heh). Well very often, she brings home day-old bagels or bread. And most of the time, we can't eat that stuff quickly enough before it goes bad. And I'll always be the one to determine when that's happened, because the second I go near the cabinets, I can smell the mold. My mother doesn't know how I do it, but I'll smell it, know exactly where it's coming from, and dispose of it. Clearly I am a bloodhound. A moldhound.

7) I'm not a big fan of the word "cute." In referencing people, I think it's kinda patronizing and condescending. I don't like being called "cute," so I would never dream of using it in reference to someone else. I'll use it sometimes now, but I don't use it to describe a person's looks. People are not "cute"; puppies and kittens are "cute." People are "attractive." If I'm trying to be a bitch, I'll be, "aww, you're so cute," but with any seriousness? Hell no. And uses like, "That's a cute top"? There's a lot wrong with that. The correct sentence is, "That's a cool shirt." Usually, if it's animal-related, "cute" is okay. With people or inanimate objects, definitely not. Just a random pet peeve.

I'm not tagging "whoever wants to do it." I'm hereby tagging whoever doesn't want to do it. Just to spite you.

scary insights into my psyche

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