Topic 0: Introduction.

Oct 08, 2009 01:12

I was going to do this tomorrow, as I should be in bed (work at 8AM, grr), it is now.

I figure this will be beneficial to everyone from therealljidol and the handful of people I've added in the past couple weeks. So allow myself to introduce...myself.

I'm Heather. I'm 26 years old. Born, raised, and still stuck in suburban Connecticut.

I spent seven years at four different colleges, and finally got my BA in Liberal Studies from the University of Hartford in 2008. Most of my coursework was concentrated in the social sciences and humanities, but I have no true field of expertise. This has left me at the same retail job I've had since high school, with a company that won't advance me for some unknown reason. I still make less than $10 an hour, and have had my full-time position and benefits taken away from me in the past year. And because this economy sucks, I can't find a way out.

I'm an only child, and I currently live with my mother. She's not the worst roommate ever, but we do fight. Byproduct of the stress we've been through in the past ten years, I suppose. My parents divorced right after I graduated high school. My father moved across the country, remarried, and decided not to help me pay for college. My mother had to give up her personal business at the age of 55 to work at a physically-demanding dead-end job so we could afford my education. Because of that, I haven't spoken to my father in over five years, and nor do I plan on doing so. He wasn't Mr. Wonderful when he was around, either, so that certainly makes not caring much easier.

I have absolutely no romantic life to speak of. Three dates, no relationships. I am a 26 year old virgin. And I honestly don't care if I ever have sex, to be fully honest. I self-identify as a hetero-flexible asexual (say that three times fast). I'm still interested in having a relationship, but I'd be perfectly fine if that relationship consisted of no sexual contact. I do get physically attracted to people, and I still say things like, "Yeah, I'd hit that," but in reality? I would not, in fact, hit that. I would like to talk to it and get to know it, but no funny business. I'm into the menfolk, but I've never outright declared I wouldn't date a woman. So...there's that. I don't want to get married and I don't want children. I am a selfish jerk.

Politically, I lean quite left. I'm registered with the socialist party. I'm also one of those evil atheists. I am, at times, offensive to the delicate sensibilities of the ignorant. I over-share and there is no topic off-limits (y'know, unless I hate you to begin with). If I were a CD, there'd be a "Parental Advisory: Explicit Content" sticker on me.

I am often TL;DR.

I have a cat named Asia. She's been my best friend for 13 years. It's good practice for when I eventually move into a trailer, adopt fifty more cats, and start throwing them birthday parties, for which I will buy dozens of balloons and invite their vet (yeah, I watched "Truth Be Told" on TLC the other night, whatever).

I aspire to work in the entertainment industry in some capacity. I love music and television and everything pop culture (both ironically and seriously). At heart, I'm a writer, and I'd love nothing more than to blog for a living. But that's not really taking off for me (read: I'm kinda lazy), so I'm most likely going to look into freelancing on the side once I get a full-time job.

Random facts: I am addicted to Twitter. My favorite color is plaid. I don't drink or smoke, have never tried any illegal drugs, and gave up caffeine a year ago. I struggle with anxiety and mild OCD, and am in the process of trying to get a diagnosis on a set of problems I've been dealing with over the past year (I try not to talk about it too much, as it's depressing, but it does affect my life greatly). I have a sense of humor about damn near everything, and am mostly allergic to being serious business. My foot is asleep. And I just ate rice cakes.

I'll shut up now. This is plenty long. But I look forward to getting to know all of you, and I hope I don't bore the ever-loving crap out of everyone. Feel free to ask me anything. I'm good times.


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