my room

Oct 02, 2004 15:30

Okay, after long last, I have finally taken pictures of my room in the apartment. Oi. Took me long enough.

I'll go clockwise around my room. We start with a rather boring shot of my closet door and a glimpse at my ROTK poster.

Moving along to more interesting things, in one corner of my room we find the ROTK poster, my Escaflowne poster, my bookcase, my fridge, and part of my bed. My stereo is sitting on top of the bookcase and the fridge, but that should be moving downstairs soon when I get off my butt.

Here's a closeup of my bookcase. On the top shelf is mostly school-related things, on the middle shelf is manga, and on the bottom shelf is DVDs that wouldn't fit on my DVD rack that we will see later, PS2 games, and my Sailor V manga. Oh, and in those binders you see on the floor are my burned DVDs and CDs.

More posters and my bed. Got a Gundam Wing poster, an Oh My Goddess poster, and a poster of Gandalf and Frodo.

Here's a shot of my entire bed. You can see the Miho blanket and my DDR pad behind the bed.

The opposite corner from before. You can see my nightstand, my laundry basket, my lamp that actually doesn't work at the moment, my bureau, and my Chii poster.

A closeup of the stuffed animals in my nightstand. I swear I didn't take this photo on an angle; my camera just sucks. In the front row is a Gruntie and a mouse that squeaks when you squeeze him, good for stress relieving. In the second row is Yuki, Sailorvenus, Artemis, and two Kiss Kiss bears. In the back row is Kyo, Tuxedo Kamen, and my custom made Dryden plushie.

My bureau. You can see random stuff, including medicine that I take in an effort to clear my throat but none of which has actually ever worked.

My DVD rack. ^______^ Favorite part of my room. I'm considering getting rack to hold the rest of my DVDs that wouldn't fit on this one.

My desk.

My Furuba wallscroll *_*.

A shot of the last corner of my room, where you can see part of the wallscroll, another Oh My Goddess poster, my desk, and the door.

By the way, Rob put all my furniture together. He's so awesome. All of my furniture except for the bed were purchased from Walmart.

So that's my room.


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