japan ahoy... and money

May 01, 2004 23:45

So... I think I'm going to Japan this summer.


I say "think," because I'm not sure, because awesome stuff like this always ends up going wrong for me. But since Rob knows what's going on, I should have confidence in him. ^_^ Yosh.

...Yeah... so we had tossed this idea around for awhile, but neither of us actually thought my mother would let me go. I have to ask her permission for everything, you see. But I called her today, and carefully broached the subject. After a long lecture about money, she finally said that she would leave the decision up to me.

Apparently, by spending any large amount of money, I'm endangering my future money wise. I have car maintenance to worry about, apartment rent to pay, a car to buy when this one dies eventually, courses for my master's degree to pay for when I get there eventually, car insurance, this that and the other thing.

But the way I see it... and I know next to nothing about money, mind you... is that I have a good bit of savings right now. I'll keep adding to the savings with money from my summer job. Mom seems to take the attitude that I shouldn't spend any of the savings at all unless I absolutely have to or else doom will come to me. But, you can only be young once, and I'll be working most of my life. I want to take these opportunities when I can.

Then again, I do know next to nothing about money. But that's because the only thing my parents (i.e., Mom) have taught me is "don't spend it at all!!!!!111" That doesn't sound like the best way to manage money to me. If you're working for it, you should spend some of it on fun things for yourself. I've certainly worked hard enough to deserve some fun things. Especially a vacation. Ohhh, how I need a vacation from work.

Small aside: I'm highly intrigued that Mom didn't say anything about the fact that Rob and I would be alone in a hotel room together. Granted, I did say that our friend Dan would probably be coming along, which may or may not be true (he was invited, but there's that whole money thing). Still. I'm glad she didn't harass me about that, though. That would have been a whole other can of worms.

...still, isn't that why she said no to Ocean City? x_o Maybe the storm has just been postponed.

[cloned from A Bird's Melody]


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