Survey time!

Dec 17, 2001 14:45

present coordinates: home
sex: m
dob:April 18 1980

aim screen name: n/a
eyes: green damnit
hair: nope!

have you ever...
drank: yes.
smoked: ew. yes.
kissed the same sex: heehee
kissed the opposite sex: well duh.
skinnydipped: nope.
broke a bone: only fractured my skull
failed a class: only cuz i dropped out :P
killed someone: yes cuz i will post somethinglike this in a public forum.
cried over a boy or girl: yes
had a death in the family: i'm sure at one point...
ran around nude: yes. but only inside.

status, right now.
wearing: blue bathrobe.
eating: nothing
talking to: no one
phone with: no one
time: 306pm
drinking: cold tea. ew.
listening to: Animaniacs cd!

when was the last time you...
smiled:possibly this morning?
laughed: yesterday, not sure at what though.
cried: it's been a while
bought something: um. i bought a white board, vids for my dad and new BLOO clippers 2 days ago
danced: last night while djing
were sarcastic: probably last night.
kissed someone: this morning as girl left for work
talked to an ex: alex on icq yesterday
watched your favorite movie: the night before resistor 4
had a nightmare: dont remember

what is the...
last book you read: reading "smoke and mirrors" by neil gaiman
last movie you saw: america's sweethearts
last song you heard: the capital song by wacko(animaniacs :P )
last thing you had to drink: tea
last time you showered: just now
last thing you ate: corn pops

do you...
have a favorite candy?: i have lots of favorites.
believe in astrology?: meh
believe in God?: yeah.
pray?: yeah.
go to church?: i went to a church meeting on sunday, it's not really church though.
have an obsession?: starwars, LOTR
have any bad habits?: yup
care about looks?: always :)
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