My tweets

Dec 03, 2010 12:02

  • Thu, 15:59: RT @ gamespot: NEWS: Kinect outselling Move - Analyst
  • Thu, 15:59: RT @ thedailybeast: Katie Couric to Appear on Glee...will make cameo appearance after Super Bowl on Feb 6 #cheats ...
  • Thu, 15:59: RT @ GOOD: Celebrity Twitter blackout fails at AIDS fundraising
  • Thu, 15:59: RT @ theRealEsthero: thrusting your pussy in my face and screaming 'fuck me' like you're in the exorcist is not art....unless you're yoko ono
  • Thu, 16:02: damn you bella swan, you've given us shy and clumsy girls everywhere a bad rap.
  • Thu, 17:13: yamato nadeshiko shichi henge / perfect girl evolution / the wallflower - I finally caught up with the manga, all 103 chapters.
  • Thu, 17:13: Rewatched the 25-episode anime. Now I feel adequately prepared to face the live-action drama version. Despite the 3/4 fan disapproval rate.
  • Thu, 17:14: ~~~~~~~*~~~~~~~13 minutes later~~~~~~~*~~~~~~~ What the hell?!!?!?!?!?!??!???!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!??!?!?!
  • Thu, 17:15: Okay, so they made gave Auntie a son, made her a decade or so older, made that child 'caretaker' of the mansion, made the boys college-aged-
  • Thu, 17:15: - all of that I took in stride. Sort of. But they made Kyouhei CALL SUNAKO UGLY. No way in HELL did that happen, or COULD happen. WTF.
  • Thu, 17:16: And don't get me started on the direction/plot fails. I fear this drama is doomed to fail. But I'll finish it out of loyalty to the series.
  • Thu, 17:56: RT @ cloisnews: RT @ tariel22: Smallville scan from 12/10/10 issue of Entertainment Weekly. WARNING: VERY SPOILERY!
  • Thu, 17:58: ROFLMAO @ yamato nadeshiko shichi henge jdrama jpop-dance routine intro -- ah, more director/producer fail...
  • Thu, 18:12: okay, that's it. this is beyond ridiculous. i'm going to have to categorize the jdrama as AU, AR --AND-- OOC to watch any further.
  • Thu, 18:12: and i'm not even halfway through the first episode! #fail
  • Thu, 18:30: haha, so far the only interesting thing about the drama is the OC - Auntie's son. he's adorable. :)
  • Thu, 19:08: RT @ Malarkispleef: @ Lindsay_007 The Republicans are showing there true colors. Now it's obvious to the whole world, who they want to ta ...
  • Thu, 19:54: really, a kiss in the second episode? they've just mixed everything up from the manga didn't they?
  • Fri, 02:16: RT @ JimCarrey: Hey Gang, you can finally check out my movie #ILoveYouPhillipMorris opening in LA, SF, and NYC today! S'excellent! Hope y ...
  • Fri, 02:16: RT @ ConstantChange: Nigeria to charge Dick Cheney in $180 million bribery case, issue Interpol arrest warrant | Raw Story ...


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