#34 - Triggered by wut_anon

Jul 25, 2009 05:22

Okay, first of all: I don't think I will start watching Heroes Season 2 in the near future. I've heard so much bad about it, I don't want to ruin the good experience I had with S1. :/

Okay, and now this. I think I'm pansexual. Definition:

Pansexuality, or omnisexuality[1] is a sexual orientation characterized by the potential for aesthetic attraction, romantic love, or sexual desire for people, regardless of their gender identity or biological sex. Some pansexuals suggest that they are gender-blind; that gender and sex are insignificant or irrelevant in determining whether they will be sexually attracted to others.[2] For others, an individual's sex, gender expression, or gender identity can be a key factor of attraction, despite the pansexual individual's wide range of sex and gender attractions.
Source: wikipedia.com

I remember that I always prefered guys over girls, but I used to always like kissing girls or just cuddling with them. I did that a lot when I was younger. But I was always more attracted to dudes. Well, then I started feeling more drawn to girls (not everyone, obviously, but certain types of girls: the really girly ones, long hair, athletic, but with curves, etc.), but I still thought about guys in a very sexual way. And I still feel more ~giddy~ when around guys. I definitely find more types of men attractive than girls.
Buttt on our ski vacation trip thingy in Austria I noticed this girl from our class who basically is VERY androgynous, both in looks and behaviour, and I was SO attracted to her. And lately I've found that look very appealing, even though I never used to.

Idk, I don't look at the gender, I guess. I just feel attracted to the person in question. It's weird, but also kinda relieveing to have that figured out at last. Hahaha.

How would you label your sexuality, friends?

Thank you for your time.

love life

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