Aug 21, 2005 21:21
I had a great time camping for those intrested.. Long story short
-Westward faceing tent overlooking lake.. (sunsets BEAUTIFULL)
-Coldest the water got was 70ish
-Family games every night fun fun fun (not sarcastic)
-authentic swiss sauna.. 190 degrees.. sweat balls off then jump in lake.. OOO how refreshing.. I did that 20 times.. literaly
-campfires with sommoas
-Canoes, tipy tippy
-row boat with a leek
-Sail boat.. Wich I used non stop
-power boat for water skiing, knee boarding, tubing. I did all the above and got onto one ski GO ME (it was my second time ever water skiing.. I think thats quite an acoplishment)
-Jet ski which I got up to 65MPH almost fell off It kicked ASS!!
-beautifull wooded area to run around in.. joging was SWEET!
-and to top it all off I saw an "edited picture" of my step dad whos head had been digitaly added to a woman with GREAT breasts!!! It was disgusingly halarious..
So yeah I had a GREAT TIME!..
No room mate to bother me, what could possibly be bet than this..