
Mar 13, 2010 09:11

[ When the video clicks on, it just seems to be dangling high above ground, and from the tree trunk just in the corner of the screen, it is obvious that his owner has found themselves up in the branches, a mini-hoard of little white rabbits down below. ]

Good thing you little fur-balls can't climb too well, huh? Though, I guess you little guys think this is pay back for battin' you around like cat toys this week. Might have worked, if you weren't dealing with the Goddess of Flash! Haha!

[ The device turned over in a dark skinned hand, showing that yes, Yoruichi is laying precariously along the length of a branch looking down at the little violent rabbits ]

There is no natural order here, is there. A cat's prey should be just that. Prey. Crows and rabbits should not turn and chase their hunter. [ Yes, here's to looking at you, Itachi. You and your damnable birds :| ]

Kisuke. We might be having rabbit stew for a while.

[ Yes, and she grins because rabbit is damn good, and she has a few that got a little to big for their floppy little ears and got shown that no, they aren't as high up on the food chain as they think. With a quick press of a button, the feed cuts, fading to black ]

[ic], omnom rabbit, chased up a tree?, oh fuck this shit, kisuke, +adstring, goddess of flash, cat like

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