
Feb 15, 2010 22:41

[ Yoruichi is sitting outside, a little bundled up cause it's still chilly and overcast out, they sky threatening rain. She is, however, looking down at the PCD, her expression a little serious before a small grin comes over her face ]

Well, the inside of the house is clean, all that's left is to run some lighting, and get the outside. All of which will have to wait until after it gets a bit warmer.

[Filtered to Madara /// Unhackable]

[ Her face resumes a rather serious look as soon as the filter is in place, golden eyes fixated on the screen ]

A word, if you don't mind, Madara.

[///Filter end]

tenshi heisouban, +adstring, *madara, [ic], noble woman, this be srs tiems, cleaning house

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