Do you know which pairing needs more love?
So, let's start at the beginning.
This is Cash. Cash Colligan.
He has his first name tattooed on his hand in case he, y’know, forgets.
Cash is essential five-foot-something of epic fail. To prove his fail-ability, he has a cape. A cape appropriately called 'The Cape Of Fail'.
He also has ‘Thirtizzle’ tattooed on his chest. To, y’know, emphasise the fail.
Cash is 19-years-old and currently the bass player for Fueled By Ramen/Decaydance band The Cab.
He totally does awesome faily dancing whilst he plays. It may actually be the greatest thing ever.
He and this other dude, Alex Deleon, totally went to highschool together, fought over the same girl, and when she played them both, became friends. And started a band. The Cash-Alex-Band. The Cab.
This is Alex.
This is Alex’s booty (I know I’ve commented on this before, but dude, it’s awesome. Could rival Brendon Urie’s).
Alex is a 19-year-old boy now too.
But a few years ago, he was the prettiest girl in junior high.
There are two other Alex’s in The Cab, and as Alex is the lead-singer, he has been creatively nicknamed “Singer”.
Singer also weighs like, two pounds, so he fits right into bandom’s love of tiny, pretty people.
Who wear tiaras.
So, long story short, Cash and Singer went from this:
To this:
It’s awesome.
No, really. Because I have a total thing for highschool rivalries and dumb teenage boys being in love, and I know a lot of bandom does too!
I’m probably gonna point this out again later when I’m showing off all the videos, but their dynamic’s really interesting. This isn’t even coming from an “OMG, OTP,” point of view, but they obviously get really frustrated with each other and butt-heads, but there’s love there too. And teenage boys being affectionate (even without the slash) makes me *gleeface*. Seriously.
Singer likes to gaze lovingly at Cash.
And Cash likes to return the favour.
I can back that.
Weeee, on a date.
Cash approves!
(look at the legs)
They went to Pete’s wedding together! As dates! Fic, please!
Ficccc, please. They’re sweaty! Cash has no shirt on! Keep going.
Singer likes to stroke Cash’s face with phallic objects!
Cash is smug. He’s hittin’ it.
No respect for personal space! :D :D I know I’ve written pairings for less.
I know it’s hard, but try to bypass the HOT that is GCH, Cobra and TAI… I don’t even know what Singer’s trying to do to Cash, but it’s kinda awesome.
They pretty much sit on each other’s laps! When the rest of the band spaces out. Clearly been taking lessons from Patrick and Pete, obv.
This was the photo that made me sit up and say, “Oh, wait. Marshalls’s got the body of a real boy.” And then I realised only kinda. It’s more that everyone else in the band is really that tiny. Singer’s ridiculously narrow. Just throwing it out there.
Apparently Cash actually ran his head through Singer’s hair here; it’s not just a convenient angle. If so, vid link, plz?
Singer looks so scared of the pretty lady, you guys!
Okay, there’s pretty much no other reason for me to include these other than 1) I love The Cab, 2) I love Vicky-T. Them together makes me v. v. pleased.
Also because I want the fic where Singer has a massive crush on Vicky-T and Cash is all ~jealous, because he is clearly meant to be the centre of Singer’s attention. So he like, tries to glower at her from the side of the stage, only he’s 19 and Vicky-T’s super, super hot, so he struggles at not having a crush on her too. But it’s okay! Because Vicky-T’s all, “babbbbiiiees” and also in a relationship with her entire band. Obviously.
Convenient transition!
Eeeee, babies. This is from the One of THOSE Nights video, and, dude, that right there is some hardcore shippage in that vid. It’s awesome.
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So, hey, how about some more videos.
Cash tells you the history of the band! He includes the part where Singer asked him to prom. Trufax.
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The Cab in ’07! Please be seeing 2:10, because Singer likes rubbing phallic objects against Cash’s face.
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Singer feels the need to emphasise the fact that him and Cash were lying on the bed ‘as friends’ a lot. Also, worth it just for drunk!Singer.
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Just for the record, I totally want fic where Cash is all, like, *gleeface* because Singer totally made Lindsey Lohan a lesbian! Like, seriously. He made out with her, and then she totally stopped hooking up with boys. Either Alex was that bad, or she totally thought he was a chick and he was that good. I don’t even know.
Also, because they read J-14. And because Alex can’t go two words without looking at Cash.
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If you’re able to tear your eyes away from the hotness that is Ian playing guitar, you should focus on Cash and Singer. Being boyfriends.
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Cash being awesomely obnoxious on stage! :D
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You need to jump over to the interview section, but their interview is the first one down. And is actually a really good interview, just, generally speaking. Because Cash thinks Singer’s a little angel. Also, Singer’s clearly sleepy because Cash wore him out. Just saying. Someone should write this.
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The Take Me Out To The Ball Game Vids.
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They do faily dancing together!
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Cash totally wants Alex to be pantless. I can back that.
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Cash watches his booooyyfriend sing about how he’ll be better when he’s older. This is half included because Alex does actually sing this really beautifully.
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This is maybe drawing at straws a little, but hey! Alex singing N*Sync! Also, also, the end.
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They talk to each other for like, two seconds! And then Singer sings more N*Sync. (These are really here because hello, N*Sync.)
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In which they are married! If you watch no other videos on this list, please be watching this one. They're such boyfriends.
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I didn’t even realise I had a total thing for boys pulling each other in for quiet talk-times on stage before I started putting this together. That’s kinda awesome. Also, Cash really strikes me as being a touchy-feely sort of guy. Do with this what you will.
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The Studio tours!
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And just because I love it, Singer singing ‘Hit Me Baby One More Time’.
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Also, peoples, here’s the
DJ Rossstar Interview where they actually ship themselves. It’s long, but it’s amazing and was what totally made me start to think OTP. No lie.
Where’s all the awesome fic, I hear you ask? That’s a question I ask myself a lot too; however! We do have some!
Okay, pretty much everything by
riflethrough is epic levels of epic awesome. No lie. I rec her everything.
I Give In, I Give Up Try Counting Sheep At Every Light A massively awesome co-write!
riflethrough and
Turn It Into Glory. This one’s a follow up to a Marshall/Ian
’The Way You Burn’ It’s A Long Way Down I Never Got Your Digits by
warmingweather Defining The Genre by
wishpaper Things To Do In Pete’s House When You’re Bored by
mintyfiend More Like Netter’s Anatomy by
ficsoreal Every So Often Expect Things To Get Hectic by
bluejbird (Also Cab!gsf, so enjoy! :D)
And because I’m a total loser, my fic,
You Be The Alcohol, I’ll Be The Hangover So, yes. Write Cash/Singer, bandom. We’ve shipped pairings for less!
And, right at the end, just to make you feel like a pedo.
Dave Grohl with babbbbiiiiieeess.