I apparently suck forever at updating. Expect a better post soon, but in quick and dirty iPhone form:
- saw X-Men First Class and kind of loved it a whole lot, even though it sent my inner fangirl into waves of rage at the incorrect canon. May also have started writing Alex/Hank/Raven against my will.
- have been watching Game of Thrones (but am
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Game of Thrones is so amazing I could cry. None of my friends have watched it either (bar my housemate who I forced into watching it lol), but it starts airing on TV here in July, so fingers crossed I'll be able to flail loudly and obnoxiously then.
It really bothers me when authors are so anti-fandom. Anne Rice is the same, and I've always hated that. I mean, if I was in that position, I always feel I'd be a lot more flattered? Idk. It also gets word of your book out there and shows that people are engaging not only with your writing but with the characters and the worlds you've created and I don't get why anyone would be against that. =/ Weirdness.
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