omg, a post

Feb 28, 2010 08:51

omg, it's an update.

- anyway, so i started watching 'criminal minds'. i've worked my way through the first two series in two weeks, which is a pretty good effort. i'm really enjoying it. i mean, it tends to discard of storylines pretty quickly (reid/jj? reid's drug problem? idek), but it's a hell of a lot of fun and there is a hell of a lot of pretty in that show. it also gets an a+ for engaging and intriguing characters and the development of those characters. not gonna lie, morgan's backstory episode made me cry.

- on a similar note, i've been re-watching teen titans the cartoon, and i had seriously forgotten how fabulous it was. because, really? it's like every possible crack fandom trope has been crammed into five seasons of awesome. body swap! secret identities! crazy mutant moth things! blackmailing people onto dates! alternate universes! mini me's! etc. etc.

i watched the show originally when i was 13/14, and i was such a hardcore raven fan. i still enjoy her, but omg, starfire totally stole my heart on this rewatch. in particular, her and robin are like, my otp for real. they are so cute

i mean, seriously -

image Click to view

it's interesting as well, because the show actually does comment on a lot of social issues like self-image, adolescence, racism, class order in a way that makes it a lot more mature than you'd think on first glance and i really appreciate that in an animated series. or in any series for that matter. plus, the idea of an unconventional family has always been something i love and this series really captures that dynamic perfectly.

i started reading the comics/graphic novels earlier in the year as well, and i'm enjoying them a lot. starfire and robin/nightwing will always be a favourite of mine, i think they offer a lot for each other and it's interesting to see a member of the batfamily with someone as emotionally open and sexually liberated as starfire. i know a lot of people think otherwise, but i'm just happy to see the writers occasionally branch out from the massive incestuous pit that is the batfamily, lol.

besides, if nothing else, they have ridiculously hot sex -

- i've been really crap at commenting regularly recently as well, and i'm sorry! because that sucks! and i'm going to make more of an effort. i've just been all over the place lately. i'm back at uni next week though, which should regulate my life a little more. i'm also doing six months work experience at a centre designed to stop human trafficking which i'm getting really, really excited about.

- also, to everyone in chile and hawaii experiencing the earth quakes and tsunamis respectively, please keep safe. you too, queenslanders, because apparently we're under tsunami warnings as well. keep away from the coast for the next few days. They're expecting the first ones in the next couple of hours. For once, I'm glad I live a good 20 minutes from the beach.

education motivation, teen titans, sometimes i live in the real world, criminal minds

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