a phd with her legs apart

Nov 11, 2009 11:33

So far, this has seriously been the gayest week of television ever, both in terms of The Big Bang Theory and Gossip Girl. It's awesome.

The threesome in GG was a huge let-down though. I wasn't exactly expecting it to be epic, but it would've been nice to have seen more than just a kiss and then the aftermath. Do you know what would've been even more awesome? A Chuck/Blair/Serena threesome. Just so you know. On the other hand, I'm almost tempted to stop watching. I don't like what they're doing to Blair's character, and I'd rather have the memory of how awesome she was then continue to watch them ruin her character. Also, they've just graduated, why have they all big-name careers already? And why are they all drinking booze at the bar when they're meant to be, what? 18? 19? Isn't that illegal in the States? Idek anymore. Also, Vanessa's role continues to be a vehicle for drama and little else, whilst Hilary Duff's acting makes me cringe. =/ *sigh* I'm still watching it, I'm just waiting for it to get good again.

On a completely different note, House was levels of awesome I can't even comprehend. 80s party! Dancing! Wilson's woobie face! House doing Wilson's speech! Chase's ultra-woobie face! I love it. I'm also kind of glad to see Taub coming back. I think I'm one of like, five people who love him.

Glee RPF

- Things Said and Not by colorofsmoke. PG-13. Mark Salling/Kevin McHale. 700 words.

"I--" he starts, "the offers are nice, I'm just not interest in. That. You know, the people offering."

"Well," Kevin says, "it's a little skeezy, yeah, but the girls--" and then he stops and the elevator doors open just as he says, "Oh."

They doors have opened to an empty hall, not their floor, and Mark leans and jabs at the button too-hard to get them going again.

"Is it Chris?" Kevin asks, after a second, voice low.

"What?" Mark says, "No not --" and he looks at Kevin for a second, a second too long and he can feel his own ears burning, and wow he needs to get out of the elevator now.

I really liked this. I mean, I’ve always enjoyed big, epic fics with angst and romance and sex, but to be honest, I like this sort of thing just as much. Short and gentle, and really just snapshots in time that maybe could really happen. This is really one of those.

- Sunday Mornings by colorofsmoke. PG. Lea Michele/Dianna Agron. 1,200 words.

Lea, personally, thinks it's great. Dianna is different from her, beautiful in a classic, blond-hair, bright-smile, charming-voice way. She fights different and wakes up different -- hair a mess on her head, sticking up around the top like a birds nest, eyes puffy.

She's sort of an amazing roommate and an amazing person to come into Lea's life. She's also a little bit gorgeous. Lea can't even find room in herself to be jealous for long, because all she wants to do when they are at home is make sure they both stay in their pajamas for as long as possible.)

Of course, Dianna doesn't know any of that. Dianna is good, probably doesn't lay in her bed across the hall and think about laying Lea out on the bed rolling up the edge of her shirt in a neat, rhythmic way until her chest is bare and her hands are grasping at the sheets.

Of course she doesn't. Only Lea thinks about stuff like that in the dark whatever physiological corner of her mind has been created by stress and hormones. Of course. That's her excuse, at least.

This is so wonderful and gentle and kind of painful in an almost-not-quite-requited way. Gorgeous. I’m quite enjoying colorofsmoke as an author at the moment. She writes wonderful American Idol RPF as well, just fyi.

House, MD

- Eight Encounters by greensilver. PG. Cuddy Gen.
Her med school roommate is a tiny Asian girl with an incredibly filthy vocabulary and a promising future in oncology. The two of them don't get along particularly well, not at first, and they make a point of avoiding each other as much as possible.

Then one of her instructors takes her aside and says, "Lisa, have you considered hospital administration? I think you'd find that you have a real knack for it."

She stares at him, truly bewildered. "Administration? Is it - is it that you don't think I'll make a good doctor?"

"I think you'll make a fine doctor," he assures her. "It's just a thought."

Not great doctor, not even good doctor - just fine, and he could not possibly have said it with any less enthusiasm.

She goes home and cries for a solid hour. She might've cried longer if left to her own devices, but after an hour her roommate comes to the rescue with chocolate bars and classic movies, and then all the crying is reserved for Cary Grant and Spencer Tracy.

Halfway through From Here to Eternity, her roommate leans over and whispers, "I think you'll be a great doctor."

By the time Lisa graduates from med school, she has a vocabulary that makes grown men flinch and a best friend who never falls out of contact, not even when they wind up on opposite sides of the country.

I actually don’t read a lot of House fic. I think the voices of the characters are incredibly hard to get right, particularly House. This isn’t about him though (even though he makes a couple of scene stealing appearances), this is about Cuddy. It’s essentially a five-times fic, only it is eight interactions she had in her life, and it’s wonderful and sad and funny, and really tender. I feel like her voice is spot-on, and even though they’re only snapshots, they feel like they could be canon. I particularly loved the one with Cuddy and her grandfather, Cuddy and House’s first meeting, and the one I included above with her roommate in college. It’s lovely.

- I Don’t Have To Like Him by sam_storyteller. PG. House/Cuddy-implied.

"Wait till the baby comes before you tell me about hell," Anne remarked, holding up what looked remarkably like the product of the union between a syringe and a turkey baster. "Say hello to your swimmers."

"Say goodbye to your donor," House said, making for the door.

"Don't you dare -- "

"It's all you, boys!" House called over his shoulder. "Last one in's a rotten egg!"

Cuddy looked at Anne as the door swung shut.

"He has an IQ of two hundred and five," she said.

"And dreamy eyes," Anne agreed. "Besides, he likes you. I can tell."

"I hope not," Cuddy said, closing her eyes. "That would make life ridiculously complicated."

In an alternate timeline, where House is Cuddy’s sperm donor. The dialogue in this is so, so snarky and fun, and the House voice is perfection. I’d seriously quote all of his lines if I could.

gossip girl, glee, house md, recs

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