It’s Ekka week! I love the Ekka, and I spent the day there yesterday, which was fabulous. I may do a recap about it later, but it involved me hugging a lama, which is basically the single greatest experience of my life.
Other news:
- The ‘What a Catch, Donnie’, video breaks my heart. I feel like the one thing I’ve never been able to complain
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I never really got into Spencer/Brendon unfortunately! I don't know, I think I just read a lot of bad!fic and gave up on the pairing. I should probably give it another go.
I generally like FOB's videos, since they can be interpreted in so many different ways. WACD especially, I found, really left itself open to it. I'd be really curious to see how much sway in the idea and execution Pete had, because I find it very interesting that this is the first video that has been really, really Patrick-centric. I'm thinking I might do a proper analysis, purely because I have so much love for the way all of FOB's videos tie in together.
I feel like there hasn't been a definitive epic break up either! I keep waiting for it to pop-up on my f-list so I don't have to write it, haha. /o\ (Lmao at Ryan's Team Hipster McCokenstein)
And thank you! I'm currently hunting through those fics now. :D
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