tonight the light of love is in your eyes

Aug 10, 2009 12:03

It’s Ekka week! I love the Ekka, and I spent the day there yesterday, which was fabulous. I may do a recap about it later, but it involved me hugging a lama, which is basically the single greatest experience of my life.

Other news:
- The ‘What a Catch, Donnie’, video breaks my heart. I feel like the one thing I’ve never been able to complain about with FOB is the quality of their videos. I love that they’ve never really had that ‘here we are playing our instruments in a dark and seedy room’ video; they’ve always had a story to them, or behind them. They’re always exceptionally well-made videos that reflect the state of the band when they’re filmed. WaC,D is really, really true to this trend. I feel like in particular, it reflects the state of Pete and Patrick’s relationship, or rather, it reflects Pete’s interpretation of their relationship. Patrick, first and foremost, is a musician. However reclusive from the outset, it’s from no shortage of love to give, and love he does give, first for the seagull, and second of all to everyone else. He saves people, he saves the fans and he saves Joe and Andy, and everyone on Pete’s label, but he doesn’t save Pete. One day I’ll do a post on this thematic consistency in their videos. We’ve seen it before in the ‘Sixteen Candles’ video, and even ‘Saturday’ to an extent. It’s really interesting; sad, but interesting.

- I’ve started watching ‘Dollhouse’! However belated, I’m really, really enjoying it. I continue to be surprised at the Australian actors popping up throughout international film and television though, because omg, they’re everywhere. You should’ve seen my face when Sierra in the ‘Stage Fright’ episode said “Wait until I tell everyone back in Brisbane about this!” Seriously, I actually said, “That’s where I live!” Brisbane’s never mentioned on TV, it was fab. I also want epic amounts of Echo/Sierra fic, because they are so cute. And also sexy, but mostly cute.

- I’m reading ‘The Outsider’ by Albert Camus for my fiction course. It’s a very interesting novel. I don’t really talk about it on this journal, but I have a long standing fascination with mental disabilities. I’ve read a lot of books, both fiction and non-fiction, on things like Autism, Aspergers, Huntington’s Disease, Down Syndrome, OCD, etc. And it’s really interesting to read ‘The Outsider’, because the tone of his narration reminds me so, so much of the tone of ‘Look Me In The Eye’ which is a memoir I read a while ago of a man who grew up with Aspergers Syndrome. It’s something that fascinates me, since Aspergers is something that was only diagnosed formally in 1944, and, prior to that, was treated as a form of Schizophrenia which, omg, no. Anyway, my point is that ‘The Outsider’ was published in 1943, which was a year before Aspergers was understood, even marginally. We’ve talked about it quite a lot in our seminars, and I’m not sure why I’m posting about it, I just find it fascinating.

- Lastly! Brendon and Ryan need to stop talking, because the more they talk, the more I think the Panic! Break-up was a legit response to their deteriorating romantic relationship, and then I just want to write an epic, angsty break-up fic, and omg, no. I am meant to be done with wanting to write you guys. People should rec me Panic! Break-up fic, so that I can assure myself that someone has written it already and done a better job of it than I could do.

And, because I am a sheep Ask me my fannish Top Fives. Any top fives. Doesn't matter what, really! And I will answer them all in a new post.

eagle rock, dollhouse, education motivation, meme, sometimes i live in the real world, bandom, books

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