May 29, 2005 10:08
I just got back from SWOCC a little bit ago. SWOCC is a gun club that my grandpa, dad, and uncle belong to. This morning, at their target shoot, they shot off a cannon for my grandpa. Not only that but they closed the spot that he always used and put a gun and a navy hat in front of it for him. I stood in stall 2 with the rest of my family watching as Paul lit the cannon. All I could think as I watch the wick burn down is that it was my grandpas life burning down and ending with a bang. His life did end with a bang of quick events. In a month he went from being perfectly healthy to the stopping of his heart. I wound do anything to have him back. My grandma is a mess and I don't know how to help her. We all cry and then move on like everything is okay. And in a way it is. But part of me will never be okay again.