Starfishing [6/?]

Dec 28, 2014 09:23

Title: Starfishing
Pairing: Adam Lambert/Tommy Joe Ratliff
Rating: NC-17
Word count: 5,139
Disclaimer: I do not own any of the human and angel characters and this is a work of fiction.
Summary: Adam spends a dreamy day that gets wilder by the hour. These are the days that he lives for and it turns out to be one of his best days ever. His joy only grows with a loving Tommy by his side.

When Tommy opened the front door the next morning, Mike was leaning against his own house with a shit-eating grin.

“How long have you been standing there?” Tommy narrowed his eyes. Maybe Adam was right; maybe he did have a knack for smelling suspicion. “What do you want?”

“A hug for a start? I’ve missed you.” Mike opened his arms.

Tommy picked up the paper, rolled it, and tucked it in the back of his pants. Loose pants could be pretty useful.

“So do you need me to fix the handle for you?” Mike’s grin got wider as he hugged his favorite neighbor.

“What handle?”

“Your window, of course!” Mike cackled. “Oh, all the things I heard yesterday. You have no idea how much oblivion I had to add in my potion.”

Tommy hid his face deep in Mike’s shoulder. It was just his luck that Mike had heard him have sex.

“You should also know that your house is starting to look like a lighthouse. I guess you guys managed to admit your feelings for each other.”

Tommy pulled back and took a look at his roof. Urgh, Mike wasn’t exaggerating. So much for keeping a low profile. He could already hear what Terrance was going to say and it made him crave ice cream.

“Hey, why the pouty face? Love is supposed to be celebrated.” Mike poked Tommy in the ribs.

“Because we’re not supposed to be together.” Tommy sighed.

“Why not?”

Tommy hesitated before whispering in Mike’s ear, “He’s human.”

Mike froze in place. Was Tommy serious or was this another prank targeting his poor gullible soul? “Does Terrance know about this?”

“Of course. Everything’s being handled.”

“Except your heart.”

Tommy shrugged. “Nothing I can do about that. I tried being just a fan, but it didn’t work.”

“A fan? He’s a movie star?”

“Haha, he sings.”

Tommy told Mike all about Adam’s career and came back inside. He leaned against the front door and pricked up his ears. There was no sign of Adam and his bedroom door was still closed. Adam had ended up sleeping in his bed after a satisfying frottage session. Adam had covered him like a big blanket and hadn’t stopped rubbing their crotches together until they had made a huge mess in their pants.

The way that Adam had rolled his hips made him wonder what it would feel like to have him inside him. Would Adam lose his beat if he tightened around his dick? Would he make one of those terribly filthy sounds? Would he enjoy taking his ass bare? He’d find out soon enough. For now, it was time to check Freddie’s contact information again.

Tommy gasped when he noticed the difference in the previously blank section. It seemed like Freddie had found out that he had lost one of his protégés and waiting for some info on him.

“Hello…? This is Freddie Mercury,” Freddie answered the phone with as much hope as he could muster.

“Hello, this is Tommy Joe Ratliff calling from Star 2537, Morning Dew Avenue, Early Summers. Um, you shouldn’t have too much trouble finding it. It’s the brightest one on the avenue.”

“And, what is this about?”

“Oh, I wanted to let you know that the package is secure.” Tommy was glad that he had seen enough movies to know how to do the spy talk. Call him a conspiracy nut, but he wasn’t taking any chances.

“What did you just say?” Freddie wondered if this was the call or if it was another one of his fans that had happened to say the right thing. “What kind of a package are we talking about here?”

Tommy scratched his head. “He fell down the rabbit hole. If I had you, I could’ve dealt much better with the aftermath. It’s time for miracles and a master plan.”

Freddie shot up from his chair. “I’d like to come right away if that’s okay.”

“Sure. When can we expect you?”

“I’ll take an express train from Late Summers. Give me a couple of hours.”

“Okay! See you later!” Tommy threw the receiver and flew into his room. Adam didn’t have much time left to get dolled up.


“Oh my god… he’s here!” Adam tore his eyes away from the clock and stared at the front door. Despite Tommy’s best potion, he was feeling faint.

“Deep breath, Adam, deep breath.” Tommy gave him a peck on the cheek and got up from the couch. He hoped that Freddie had come alone without any scary souls.

“Mr. Ratliff?” Freddie threw his arms around Tommy’s shoulders. “Thank you for finding him and keeping him safe! I was running out of places to look!”

Tommy squirmed as he still believed that he was the one who had started it all. “Please come in, Mr. Mercury. We don’t want anyone to ask why you’re here.”

Adam almost swallowed his tongue at the sight of his idol. That moustache looked mighty fine in person. “Hello, sir! It’s such an honor to meet you!”

Tommy and Freddie chuckled at Adam’s impossibly high tone. He sounded like a frightened baby bird.

“You like to show off your range like that?” Freddie grinned as he took a good look at his boy. Apart from the evident nervousness, he looked healthy and happy. “Why don’t you move those useful legs and come give me a hug?”

Adam looked down at Freddie’s legs. There was a bandage wrapped around his right calf.

“One of my fans got very excited at the show. He was a wild boar.”

“Oh my god, are you okay?” Adam rushed to hug his guardian angel.

“Yes, this is nothing. I’ve had much more excitement thrown in my face. Let’s talk about you though. What in the Queen’s name happened to you?”

Freddie listened as Adam and Tommy took turns in telling him the story so far. There was enough room on the semi-circular couch, but the boys were sitting right next to each other. They also had matching patterns painted on their chests; their zodiac signs with a crown on top. Tommy’s was in red and gold while Adam’s was in blue and gold. Tommy seemed to be a Libra and Adam was an Aquarius. Then there was the fact that Tommy had a wing around Adam’s back. He could make a solid guess as to why Adam was happy.

“Oh, I could’ve told you that,” he said when Tommy told him that the plan to get Adam home involved a fogbow trail. “I used that trail once. I went to see him.” He pointed his chin at Adam.

“Me?” Adam squeaked.

“Yeah, on Broadway. When you played Fiyero.” Freddie gulped down his beer. “I also talked to you backstage.”

“But I would’ve remembered!”

“I was in disguise. I had even shaved off my moustache.” Freddie was pleased at his level of commitment.

“But how did I not recognize your voice?”

“I had drunk a powerful potion that made me sound different.”

“Oh, I see. What did you think of the show…?” Adam asked with his heart in his throat.

“You were good! But you were much better with my family up there.”

Adam understood right away that Freddie was talking about his band mates. “They miss you, you know. They still think about you every day.”

“And, so do I.” Freddie gave Adam a weak smile. Then he remembered the most important thing that he had wanted to say. “Just so we’re clear, Adam, I don’t want you to let anyone convince you that you’re not the right man for the job. I’ve watched every single gig from up here and I’ve been proud of you every single time. Don’t you doubt that.”

“You were proud of me?”

“Of course, son. And, our songs are meant to be sung with that much joy and passion. Just like that. So don’t let anyone spoil your fun.”

Adam nodded as his heart felt lighter. It meant a lot coming from the man who had sung all those songs himself. He had put on a brave face, but it hadn’t been easy to deal with the pressure of filling such big shoes.

While Adam and Freddie talked about this and that, Tommy was thinking about Freddie’s earlier words. If Freddie had visited the human world, he might have valuable tips about going down and coming back safely and undetected. But wait… had he actually said that he hadn’t been caught? If he had, did it mean that he could visit Adam every once in a while? See his new place and give him more of his feathers?

“What’s on your mind, son?”

Tommy noticed that both singers were looking at him. “I was just wondering if they caught you when you went to see Adam.”

“Ah, they caught me all right. Going down wasn’t too difficult because you just had to follow the trail. But when it was time to come back up, I couldn’t see the trail anymore. My eyes had adjusted to the human world and I had lost the ability to see anything supernatural. Or at least that’s what the angel from the Fourth who caught me explained to me.” Freddie shrugged.

“Did you get punished?” Adam couldn’t bear the thought of Freddie having been punished because of him.

“Yeah. I was sent to work off my sins in Purgatory. The work wasn’t too bad, but I realized I couldn’t sing. I guess that was the real punishment.”

“What kind of work? And, what do you mean you couldn’t sing?” Adam was sure that these were the same questions that Tommy wanted to ask.

“I still had my voice, but I sang terribly-if you could even call that singing.” Freddie shuddered at the awful memories. “Work was all right though. We had to prep new houses for new souls. Since the 20th century, there are apparently more souls coming up than going down.”

“Of course. Who’d want to get reincarnated in that shitty world?” Tommy frowned.

Adam figured that this was the type of bitterness that Mike had talked about. He curled his arm around Tommy’s waist as he asked Freddie, “Souls get reincarnated? I didn’t know that.”

“Yeah, you can choose to go down whenever you want.”

“Have you ever gone down again?”

“Nah, you lose memory of your previous life and your time in Heaven. And, I’m not one of those hardcore masochists who enjoy reliving the pain of death.”

Adam felt Tommy go stiff beside him. So he ran his hand up and down Tommy’s side and kissed him on the cheek.

Freddie watched the boys interact as he twisted his moustache. Love would fuel Adam’s musical energy and bring out his deepest emotions. It would eventually strengthen his soul, making him grow and see the world in more colors than ever.

“I was going to take Adam to my place, but I assume you’d like to keep him here. Paint his body and all.” He grinned at Tommy.

“If you wouldn’t mind, yes, I’d like that.” Tommy looked him straight in the eye.

“Very well. Allow me to leave you some points then. He’s my responsibility and I don’t think he’d like you hugging around.”

“Oh my god, do you read minds? Is it a power of yours?”

Tommy chuckled at Adam’s hopeful tone.

“It is.” Freddie played along. “I bet you want me to sign that poster right now.” He pointed at his poster on the coffee table.

“Yes, please!”

Freddie pulled out a marker from his pocket. He never went anywhere without one. It was important to give the fans a small piece of himself. “I’ll see if I can find a way to get you home sooner. There has to be another way to send you back.”

“How so?” Adam gulped.

“Because there’s never only one way to do something.”

“But I don’t mind staying here for a while!”

“I know that, son, but you don’t belong here. The longer you stay, the longer you disrupt the balance of both worlds. Think about the butterfly effect.”

“But what if God wants me here? Nobody knows what’s really going on in his mind.”

“If he wants you here, my search will turn up empty. If he wants you down there, I’ll find something. How about that?”

“Fair enough.” Adam liked his odds.

“And, thank you so much for signing this.” He beamed at the poster. Freddie had even written an encouraging message under his autograph.

“You’re welcome. It was good to see you again.” Freddie flew up from the couch.

“Just one question though.” Tommy held up a finger. “Would you like to stay for lunch?”

“Hell, yeah!”

Tommy smiled at the huge grin that split Adam’s face. He’d have to go to his room and fetch his sunglasses.

“Gosh, I’m exhausted.” Tommy flew face down onto his bed.

“Me too.” Adam flopped down next to him. Freddie had stayed until well after lunch while Tommy had gotten some work done. Now that all the excitement and tension had left him, his body felt like jelly. He figured that the same thing was happening with Tommy and he hoped that their potions would work soon.

“Was he what you expected?” Tommy yawned.

“I’m not sure what I expected.” Adam yawned along. “But he was amazing, yes.”

“I can’t believe he wants to jam with us next time.” Tommy fluttered the tip of his wings.

“Me neither!” Adam sprang up. “I’m so glad Isaac and Mike can join us. It’ll be like a full band. And, you already made that golden mike for me!”

“Yeah, how foresightful of me.” Tommy couldn’t be any surer now that all of this was meant to happen.

Adam ran his fingers through Tommy’s hair and enjoyed his sweet, little sounds. He smiled when a yawn tore out of Tommy’s mouth. “Hey, don’t fall asleep. We need to take off our makeup and body paint.”

“Urgh, I know.” Tommy stretched his wings and sat up. He got out of bed and stood in front of the mirror with a cleansing tissue.

Adam joined him with a tissue of his own and smiled at Tommy through the mirror.

“You’re supposed to look at your face when you wipe off your makeup.” Tommy giggled.

“I’ve done this so many times that I don’t need to. And, you were looking at me too. Otherwise our eyes wouldn’t have met.”

“I only looked because I felt eyes on me.”

“Oh, Tommy Joe… I can make you feel so much more than my eyes.” Adam winked.

“You have a dirty mind, Mr. Lambert.” Tommy pretended not to like it.

“I think it’s my sign.” Adam pointed at his chest. The sign for Aquarius(♒) looked like two sets of waves. “These must be blue waves of lust.”

“Hahaha, that sounds like a title for some bad porn.”

“Well, I’m afraid yours isn’t much better. It looks like a red nipple standing at attention.”

Tommy looked in the mirror and checked out his sign(♎). Adam had a point. He thought about the horoscope that he had read this morning when Adam had suggested zodiac signs:

Aquarius tends to be a little idealistic while Libra concentrates on the facts. But you can’t have it both ways and that is why the forecast horoscope for this union could be trouble. Dating may be frustrating from the get go. The saving grace? Sex. It's amazing, steamy, and playful. This will keep Libra and Aquarius together for a while, but sex can’t be the only element that holds up a relationship. At a certain point, Libra and Aquarius will both need to take a step back and examine whether or not you really want to go through with it all. If you do, put all your chips in. If not, get out while you can.

Apparently Tommy wasn’t the only one who had looked up their astrological compatibility. Adam was also thinking about what he had read while Tommy had been taking a phone call:

Aquarius has an imaginative approach to sex. These lovers like creativity and novelty in the bedroom. Both the Libra and Aquarius lover will lead the way in the bedroom, but Libra is usually the more aggressive. This aggressive sexual behavior will help Aquarius release imagination and creativity in this love match. Both of these zodiac lovers have patience and open minds in their sexual relationship. Aquarius has enough persistence to open up Libra’s slightly kinky side. This successful love match is a blend of energy, enthusiasm, love of beauty and freedom. The best aspect of this winning love match is their teamwork.

“Still not convinced your sign is a nipple?” Adam stood behind Tommy and rubbed his nipples. He would have to lead the way until Tommy grew comfortable enough to show his aggressive and kinky side.

Tommy dropped the tissue and leaned back against Adam’s chest. Sleep was the last thing on his mind as he twisted under Adam’s hands.

“Do you know how much I’ve wanted to touch these? They’re always out in the open for everyone to see.”

Tommy just stood there, trying to breathe. Adam’s breath was hot on his ear and his dick was getting hard against his lower back.

“Now you see the resemblance.” Adam freed Tommy’s nipples and appreciated his handiwork. The nipples had turned stiff and a darker shade of pink.

“I noticed you went back to looser pants.” He put his hands on Tommy’s waist and kissed the side of his neck.

“Yeah, I don’t mind them slipping down anymore.” Tommy thought about the unfortunate incident during their water war.

“That’s great news. Oops!” Adam helped Tommy’s pants fall to the floor.

Tommy would’ve laughed at Adam’s poor acting if he hadn’t dropped to his knees. He could only cry out in anticipation as Adam spread his ass cheeks.

“Shh, just keep looking in the mirror. See how much you like this.”

Tommy shivered from head to toe and did as he had been told. Was he strong enough to survive a rim job?

Adam grinned as he finally got a chance to check out Tommy’s hole. The little hole seemed like a decent challenge. He couldn’t wait to see it red and swollen, filled up with his tongue and fingers and eventually his dick. He loved nothing more in bed than to get a twink’s tiny hole wide open for him to use. Great things came with patience and effort.

He pushed his face into the crack of Tommy’s ass and sniffed at his hole. He moved onto licking it and sucking it into his mouth. He was going to take his time exploring every detail of it. It was flattering to know that Tommy trusted him with his most intimate part.

Tommy pushed his ass back as he stared at his reflection. His pupils were blown wide and his mouth was hanging open. All kinds of sounds were tumbling out of it, making him blush harder. It had been far too long since anyone had done this for him. Adam was still nibbling at his hole and the wait was unbearable.

“I’m going to open you up with my tongue now, okay?”


Adam chuckled and pushed the tip of his tongue inside. His tongue was too big and thick for Tommy’s hole, but wasn’t that the beauty of this challenge? He was willing to work on it for as long as it took. He moved his thumbs closer to the hole to hold it open for his tongue. He could probably come right away just knowing that his tongue was going inside Tommy’s ass.

Tommy let out a loud moan when Adam literally drooled over his ass. He had a thing for messy sex and this was a promising start. He had no idea how long Adam’s tongue was, but it kept pushing in. He had to put his hands on either side of the mirror to keep standing.

Adam heard Tommy sob when he got most of his tongue inside. He breathed through his nose, relishing Tommy’s scent. He dropped his hands and enjoyed the feel of having his face trapped between Tommy’s cheeks. He moved his hands to the front of his angel and cupped his dick and balls. He could feel himself leaking precome onto the floor.

Tommy almost lost control of his legs as he let out a sharp cry. He was stimulated in the front and penetrated in the back.

When Tommy’s hole got a little loose, Adam took a firm grip of his hips and jabbed his tongue in and out of the hole. Tommy kept twitching his hips, but it was easy to hold him still. He didn’t stop even when Tommy stood closer to the mirror and started to rub his dick against its cool surface.

“Go ahead, Tommy. Mess up the mirror for me.” Adam had pulled out his tongue and had pushed in a finger instead. He watched through the mirror as Tommy bucked a couple of times and shot all over the mirror. Now the lucky mirror had Tommy’s come running down its lower part and it was going to stay that way until morning.

“No! Please… Keep going.” Tommy grabbed Adam’s wrist and stopped him from pulling his fingers out.

“Oh my god…” Adam swallowed hard. It was kinky to think about fingering a soft Tommy all the way to hardness again. “Let me know if you need me to go slower or faster.”

“Okay.” Tommy rested his forehead against the mirror, fogging it up. It was a miracle that he was still standing. “Can we move to the bed?”

“Sure, baby.” Adam got up and helped Tommy move his wobbly legs. When Tommy lay on his stomach and spread his legs, he pushed his finger back in and kissed Tommy’s shoulders.

Tommy closed his eyes and enjoyed the kisses sprinkled all over his back. Adam’s precome was dripping onto the back of his thigh and it made him shiver with delight. It was good to know that Adam was still hard for him.

Adam moved his finger back and forth before adding a second one. When Tommy moaned deep and long, he caressed his wing and rocked his fingers.

“When can I get your dick?” Tommy asked out of the blue.

“Jesus Christ…” Adam barely managed to squeeze the head of his dick and scare off his release. Tommy apparently knew how to ask for the things that he wanted. “Let me just loosen you up a bit more. Lube?”

Tommy pointed at one of the nightstands and watched Adam coat three of his fingers. He loved how Adam kissed him on the mouth before coming back to bed. He felt wonderfully full as Adam worked in a third finger and he knew that he’d only feel fuller once Adam got his dick inside.

Adam moved three fingers in and out of Tommy while soothing him with his other hand. It wasn’t an easy fit and he had to put some strength behind his fingers. The hole had gotten much bigger though, almost ready for the main event. It was a good thing since Tommy had started to get restless and his moans were getting louder.

“Am I ready yet?” Tommy felt his dick twitch as Adam kept putting pressure on his prostate.

“Let’s find out.” Adam pulled out his fingers and pushed his hand under Tommy’s body. He needed to know how hard Tommy was before he went any further. Oh yes, his dick was hot and filling up nicely. He placed his dick in front of Tommy’s hole, keeping his weight off Tommy with hands on either side of his waist.

“Hurry up.” Tommy spread his ass cheeks so Adam wouldn’t be able to resist the temptation. He wanted Adam to stop being careful and let his wild side out to play.

Adam pushed in, unable to wait any longer. He took short breaths as he watched himself go deep inside Tommy. It was amazing to feel the inside of Tommy’s ass without a rubber. He was glad that angels couldn’t catch or spread any viruses.

Tommy cried out when Adam had nowhere left to go. He spread his cheeks wider though in case he was wrong.

“Thanks, baby.” Adam pushed in the rest of the way. He tried his best to stay still as he lowered himself on his elbows. Kissing Tommy’s wings was a good way to distract himself. He loved how the wings kept trembling as if Tommy had trouble handling his excitement.

“If you don’t move right now, I’m going to shove a Q-Tip up your urethra,” Tommy hissed.

“Ahahaha, was that supposed to be a threat? What if I was into sounding?”

Tommy opened his mouth to answer, but the only thing that came out was a whine. Adam had pulled his dick almost all the way out.

“Shh, don’t worry. I’m coming back in.” Adam pushed in as far as he could and repeated the process. He picked up the pace when Tommy started to moan his head off. He wanted to hear more, whatever Tommy was willing to share.

Tommy bucked when Adam rubbed the long lines on his back where the wings started. It seemed like Adam had one hand on the bed while using two fingers on his back.

Adam laughed when Tommy had flapped his wings so much that his upper body had flown off the bed. It kept happening even though he had slowed down. He wondered if he could make Tommy come next time, just by stimulating his wings. He kissed the back of Tommy’s neck every time it flew up to his face.

“Adam!” Tommy dug his nails into the pillow to stay on the bed. “I want to see your face…”

“Anything you want, sweetheart.” Adam pulled Tommy up without getting out of him. He gave Tommy a moment to fold his wings and legs before turning him around in his lap.

Both of them sucked in their breaths and squeezed their eyes shut. They were still too new to this type of connection to survive such a brutal change of position. They had only managed to hold off their orgasms thanks to a strong desire to enjoy this a little longer. They weren’t out of the woods though; every single detail of each other had the potential to push them over the edge.

“I’m going to die,” Adam panted as he tried not to think about how Tommy’s dick kept twitching, trapped between their stomachs.

“Good thing I’m already dead then.” Tommy opened his eyes only to regret it when he saw Adam’s face twisted with pleasure. He tried not to clench down too hard.

“You’re coming first.” Adam trembled as he put his hand back on the base of Tommy’s wings. He got on his knees and started moving again. Tommy had his back arched and his head thrown back. His Adam’s apple kept bobbing as he spilled moan after moan only for him to hear.

“Deeper!” Tommy managed to stay put since Adam had one arm wrapped around his waist. With his ex-girlfriend, they had flown all over the room, but he liked how Adam kept him grounded.

Adam held onto Tommy’s waist and moved him up and down his dick. His body was covered in sweat as he thrust up as hard as he could. Tommy’s moans had turned raw and he couldn’t get any air in his lungs.

With a short cry, Tommy came all over Adam’s chest. He completely lost all sense of space and time. All he could feel right now was how Adam was driving into him like an inmate who hadn’t had a conjugal visit in ages. But before he could laugh at his thought, Adam went rigid and emptied his balls in his ass.

“Ahahaha…” Tommy couldn’t hold in his laughter.

“Please tell me you’re not laughing at my performance.” Adam kissed Tommy’s chin as he tried to catch his breath.

“No, you were perfect. I was just comparing you to an inmate who hadn’t had a conjugal visit in a while.” Tommy bent down and cackled into Adam’s shoulder.

“Well, that sounds about right. I feel lightheaded after coming so violently.” Adam laughed and caressed Tommy’s back.

“You haven’t jerked off here?” Tommy worked on a love bite on Adam’s neck.

“Of course I have. But it’s nothing like being inside you.” Adam lifted Tommy’s face and kissed him on the nose.

“Yeah, that was pretty awesome.” Tommy slowly got out of Adam’s lap and lay on his stomach. “Do you want to take a look?”

Adam gasped as Tommy spread his legs for his viewing pleasure. Of course he wanted to take a look.

Tommy squirmed when he felt Adam’s breath on his sensitive hole. Adam had been hitting so many of his kinks when they hadn’t even talked about them. If this wasn’t yet another proof that they were a match made in heaven, he didn’t know what was. He whined when Adam pushed in a couple of fingers in search of his own come.

“This is unreal…” Adam stared at his fingers that had come out wet. He couldn’t resist pushing them inside Tommy’s mouth. It was impossible not to groan when Tommy didn’t hesitate to suck them clean.

“It’s too bad we have to sleep, Tommy.” He fucked Tommy’s mouth with his fingers, dreaming of an equally sexy morning.

“I think we have to shower first.” Tommy wiggled his ass to see if Adam needed more time with it.

“Yeah, hot water can do wonders for fatigue.” Adam went back inside Tommy’s hole with the same fingers. He fed his come to Tommy over and over again until his fingers came up empty.

“Are you offering free transportation?” Tommy opened his arms when Adam rolled him onto his back.

“Whatever the customer wants. I can offer you the bridal experience.” Adam giggled as he swept up his angel. It felt good to carry Tommy in his arms.

“I love you.” Tommy felt bold in the middle of all the warmth. He curled his arms around Adam’s neck and pulled him down for a kiss.

“I love you so much, Tommy Joe.” Adam kissed the top of Tommy’s head. “And, I love how it just rolls off my tongue.”

“Oh no, don’t talk about your tongue. There’s only so much tongue I can handle in a day.”

Adam laughed and marched into the bathroom. He smiled at how peaceful he felt. It had been a long, demanding day, but it had been one of his best days ever.

The most important thing in life is to learn how to give out love and to let it come in. -Morrie Schwartz

starfishing, adommy

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