Starfishing [5/?]

Dec 20, 2014 20:03

Title: Starfishing
Pairing: Adam Lambert/Tommy Joe Ratliff
Rating: NC-17
Word count: 4,106
Disclaimer: I do not own any of the human and angel characters and this is a work of fiction.
Summary: Adam finds out how Tommy died and feels the heavy weight of his death. Meanwhile, Tommy is having more trouble than ever keeping some distance between them and shows Adam what he can do in more than one way.

Adam poked his head out of the front door with a proud smile. For once, he had woken up earlier than Tommy. He saw no danger in picking up the paper, so he opened the door wider and reached down for the Daily Welkin. It was a foggy morning which served as a perfect cover in case Tommy had nosy neighbors.

“Good morning!”

Adam jumped at the sudden presence of another soul. Through the thick fog appeared a centaur with a well-defined stomach and a water bottle. He wanted to rub his eyes to check if he was actually looking at a centaur, but he didn’t want to look suspicious if this was a regular occurrence in Heaven.

“Good morning,” he did his best to sound casual.

“So that’s why Tommy’s house is all bright!” The centaur grinned.

“Excuse me?” Adam was puzzled. Had they forgotten to turn off the lights last night?

“Oh, I’m not trying to tease you. I’m happy for Tommy and it actually helped me get home. I was out for a morning run and I could see Tommy’s house even through this fog.”

Adam smiled, pretending to understand. He’d have to ask Tommy about this later.

“So you must be his new boyfriend. Nice to meet you. I'm Mike.” The centaur held out his hand.

“Oh, hi, I’m Adam. Tommy mentioned you last night. You play the keys.” Adam shook Mike’s hand. “And, I’m not dating Tommy… yet.”

“Ah, let me guess. It’s complicated.”

Adam nodded.

“Yeah, with Tommy, it’s always complicated.”

Adam tilted his head, wondering if he was talking to one of Tommy’s exes.

“Oh, no.” Mike chuckled. “He’s too emo and bossy for my taste. The poor thing’s still bitter and angry, being a young angel and all.”

Again, Adam nodded like he knew what Mike was talking about. Tommy was bitter and angry? Because it hadn’t been too long since he had passed away?

“You know how he ended up here, right? I’d be angry too if a drunken driver sent my car crashing into a street light in broad daylight. Some souls need decades to get over their deaths. I just hope Tommy won’t need that long.”

The newspaper crumpled in Adam’s hand. So that was what had happened. “Do you know if he suffered?”

“He didn’t. At least that’s what he told me. He was gone before the fire started.”

Adam’s heart dropped near his feet. While he couldn’t be more relieved that Tommy hadn’t felt the flames, he was horrified by the picture in his head.

“So where’s our cute, little devil?” Mike tried to lighten the mood.

“He’s in bed.”

Mike laughed. “Rough night, huh? Lucky him!”

“No, no, it’s not like that. I’m staying in his guest room.”

“Really? You’re telling me you guys aren’t friends with benefits?” Mike checked Tommy’s roof again.

“Yes, unless you count kisses as benefits.” Adam had no problem counting them as benefits.

“Well, I wish you luck then. And, as his friend… if you make him cry, I’m going to kick you with my hind legs. I’m a professional racer. I can make it hurt.”

Adam gulped. “I’m sure you can.”

Mike patted Adam on the shoulder. “Tell him I said hi, okay? I’ve been away for a training camp and I haven’t seen that mopey face in a while.”

“I’ll tell him. It was nice meeting you.”

“Likewise. Tommy deserves someone good in his life.” Mike gestured at the housing star right next to Tommy’s. “You can find me here if you want to hear about his many shenanigans.”

Adam laughed. “I’ll see you around.”

He stood there with the paper in hand even after Mike had gone inside. The weight of Tommy’s past felt as heavy as the fog.

“I had the pleasure of meeting Mike earlier,” Adam mentioned at the breakfast table.

“You mean displeasure.” Tommy chuckled.

“He seemed nice. I like him.” Adam ate a piece of French toast. “But he came out of nowhere and gave me a scare. It’s really foggy outside and you know how the clouds muffle the sound of footsteps.”

“I do. What did he have to say?” Tommy nibbled at his sausage.

“He wanted to say hi to you. And, he’s apparently been away for a training camp.”

“Ah, I figured.”

“He was also happy for you and your shiny house. But I don’t get why the house looks brighter. Does that mean you’re happier?”

Tommy cleared his throat. “It means there’s more love inside.”

“Love for what?”

“I don’t knooow. Maybe it’s because we had so much fun jamming last night.”

“Or maybe it was our epic kiss.”

“Yeah, maybe.” Tommy picked at his eggs.

“We can do a quick test. See if it was actually the kiss.”

“You want to kiss a guy who smells like sausage and eggs?”

“Well, I was going to wait until we were finished and had our teeth brushed. Did you want to kiss right now?” Adam giggled.

Tommy didn’t say anything. Feeding another mouth that ate a lot was costing him enough; there was no need to lie and lose more points. Besides, he was too distracted by Adam’s foot to think of an appropriate answer. Either his kitchen island was too small or Adam had really long legs because their feet kept touching.

“Sorry.” Adam patted Tommy’s bare foot with his own when their toes bumped into each other’s again. It was all on purpose, but Tommy didn’t have to know that. After last night’s bonding and this morning’s chat with Mike, he had made up his mind. He was going to ask for Tommy’s love and stop worrying about what would happen when he went back home. He was ready to follow the doctor’s orders.

“You smell suspicious.” Tommy pulled up his legs and sat cross-legged on the cloud.

“You can actually smell it or is it just an expression? Is it one of your powers?” There was a glint in Adam’s eyes.

“So you admit you’re up to something.” Tommy narrowed his eyes.

“I’m not admitting anything until you answer my question.” Adam tapped Tommy on the hand this time.

“Do you always like to touch so much?” Tommy pulled his hand away. He didn’t need any more temptation.

Adam laughed. “Oh, Tommy… If I were free to touch you, you’d know what it’s like to be touched so much.”

Tommy ducked his head to hide the flush spread over his cheeks. There was no doubt that he would like it if Adam touched him more. It had felt awesome in his dreams last night and he could only imagine what it would feel like in reality. Where would Adam want to touch him? Where wouldn’t he want to touch him?

“So you want to see what I can do? My powers?” He stirred the conversation another way.

“Yes, please!” Adam put down his silverware. This was going to be the best dessert ever.

“Okay. Let me get some props.” Tommy opened the window to gather some fog and went into his room to fetch his all-color rainbow.

“I’m not a fog weaver or anything, so this is going to be simple.” He kneaded the small amount of fog.

“Whoa! Someone weaves a fog for a living?”

“Yeah, they also have mist stirrers and cloud shapers in Fifth Heaven. They make furniture and home appliances. I’ve watched it on TV and it was pretty impressive.”

“I’m sure it was.”

“They add a reinforcing agent at the end so we won’t need our powers whenever we use something. That would be too tiring.”

“Ooh… So that’s how I can touch things too.”


“How fascinating.” Adam propped up his chin in his hands and watched Tommy manipulate a handful of fog. He looked like God in his eyes, shaping the fog into a dick…?

“It’s a mike in case you can’t tell.” Tommy laughed. “I’ve never been good at making things.”

“No, it does look like a mike. It’s just too bad I can’t hold it,” Adam groaned. It was also too bad that he couldn’t hold Tommy’s dick.

“I can help you with that. But for now, which color do you want it to be? Gold?”

“Yes! It’s going to be like the one I used for Queen.” Adam beamed at the memories. Now he was going to think of this phallic mike on their European tour-another fun memory.

He held his breath when Tommy started to pull out a golden thread from the yellow part of the rainbow. Concentration was written all over his face. Adam found it difficult to resist kissing him. Tommy’s lips were apart and he pictured himself sliding his tongue inside. Would Tommy taste different every day? Would each corner of his body taste different? How often would he get to kiss Tommy once he let him?

Tommy wrapped the thread around the mike and let it float. He put his hands around it without touching it and closed his eyes. Older angels like Terrance dyed things with ease, but it was still a bit tricky for him. It didn’t help that Adam was devouring him with his eyes. He might be interested in his powers all right, but that wasn’t the only thing that he seemed to be interested in. “Look at the mike, Adam, not me.”

“Haha, I’ll do my best.” Adam stole a quick kiss from Tommy’s hand.

“Oh my god…” He watched in awe as the mike turned gold from bottom to top. The color looked shiny and alive, making him want to see it on Tommy’s skin even more. He couldn’t wait to get ready for the harp recital tonight and he hoped that Tommy would let him help with the body paint.

“Now let’s make it easy to hold.” Tommy dipped the mike in the jar of glue-Satan had kindly drooled into it for free-and put it in the microwave.

“Wow, long live microwaves.” Adam put his thumbs up.

“Haha, here you go.” Tommy handed over the mike. “It’s not going to hold for long.”

“Thank you! This is the most magical gift ever!” Adam kissed the top of his favorite mike. He felt as if he had returned to his childhood when he had believed in real magic.

“Give me one of your favorite Queen songs.” He wanted to thank the generous angel.

“You’re going to sing?”

“Yes. Just for you.” Adam blew his fan a kiss.

Tommy flapped his wings in anticipation. Adam was spoiling him. “It’s still morning, so I’ll pick a less difficult one.”

“Haha, how thoughtful of you.”

“How about ‘Killer Queen’?”

“Excellent choice.” Adam took a sip of coffee and cleared his throat. He didn’t have his chaise longue or his fan, but he had an idea. A good performer was supposed to perform anywhere.

“Do you think you can make me a fan out of these?” He came back with his beloved feather jar.

“Haha, sure!” Tommy giggled, excited that he got to make a stage prop. He had always considered his shed feathers a bunch of waste, but Adam saw many uses in them. It would be too messy to use glue, so he chose to use his powers. He laid down five feathers one next to another and made them stick.

“Wow, this is amazing. Thank you.” Adam tried fanning himself. “How do I look?”

“Like a killer queen.”

“Perfect!” Adam put their dishes and cups in the sink and cleared the kitchen island. It was show time.

Tommy clapped and whooped as Adam lay on his side with his head propped on his hand. The fan was on the island for now while he held the mike in his other hand. He tried to sit a bit farther from the stage, but Adam made a disapproving sound.

“Stay where you are, Tommy. I’d like to keep my muse close.”

Tommy couldn’t help his bright smile. Adam had just called him his muse. “Do you want some beat?”

“Yes, please.”

Tommy tapped his lap in time, giving Adam something to work with.

Adam grinned and started singing, “She keeps Moët et Chandon in her pretty cabinet~ ‘Let them eat cake’, she says, just like Marie Antoinette~”

Tommy marveled at the private show. Adam looked like a star even in a pair of angel pants. His voice rang clear in the foggy air-Tommy had forgotten to close the window in his haste-and the fog worked like dry ice used for stage effects.

“She’s a Killer Queen~ Gunpowder, gelatine~ Dynamite with a laser beam~ Guaranteed to blow your mind~” Adam lay on his back and arched off the island.

Tommy nearly missed a beat as he stared with his mouth open. This felt more like a strip show than a performance of Queen’s classic. Now Adam had one long leg in the air and the fan made out of his feathers was slowly running down his thigh. He gulped as Adam rolled onto his stomach and shook his ass. Those tight pants did nothing to hide the curves, reminding him of when he had been subjected to a faceful of that naked ass.

“Recommended at the price~ Insatiable an appetite~ Wanna try? You wanna try~” Adam rolled onto his back and ended the song with a wink.

Tommy shivered as he missed the last beat. Oh, he definitely wanted to try. So he ignored his voice of reason and put a hand on Adam’s chest. He smacked his lips and went down for a taste.

Adam moaned and invited Tommy into his mouth. He dropped his fan and held Tommy’s head in place. His moan got louder when Tommy’s hand ran up and down his chest. His nipples got pinched and his sides got caressed. It was hard to lie still and he kept bucking, urging Tommy’s hand to go lower.

Tommy gave in and slid his hand inside Adam’s pants. It had been a mistake to let Adam put a spell on him with his singing. He took a firm hold of Adam’s dick and started pumping. Adam had leaked enough precome already which made his job easier.

Adam tore his lips away to let out a wail. It felt way too good for his sanity and he liked the combination of Tommy’s calloused fingertips and his sensitive skin. There was no hesitance in Tommy’s movement and it made him wonder if Tommy had changed his mind.

“I can’t stop,” Tommy confessed miserably.

“I don’t want you to…” Adam thrust up into Tommy’s hand.

“Urgh, I’m so going to Hell for this. But if I’m going to Hell, I might as well do everything I want.”

“Huh?” Adam got his answer when Tommy pulled out his dick and sucked the head straight into his mouth. He didn’t know if it was the surprise or Tommy’s enthusiasm, but he came right away, shooting inside Tommy’s mouth. He hadn’t had time to warn the angel, but Tommy just rubbed his thighs and worked his throat. He had come a lot, but nothing was running down Tommy’s chin.

“Oh my god, you swallowed it all.” Adam put his hands in his hair and writhed. He was going to jerk off over this for a very long time. He had no idea if Tommy had the same kink, but it was only fair to try to return the favor.

“Come sit here.” He patted his chest as he tried to get some air in his lungs.

“What? I can’t do that!” Tommy turned red as he desperately tried not to get harder.

“Why not? I’m too tired to move, but I can let you use my mouth.” Adam took a quick look at Tommy’s crotch. He hadn’t come yet.

Tommy glanced at Adam’s mouth that looked thoroughly kissed. Who in their right mind wouldn’t want to push their dick into that mouth? Ah, hell. He was going to Hell anyway.

Adam took a deep breath while Tommy flew up and dropped his pants mid-air. The angel landed gently on his upper chest and blushed a deeper red. He was glad that the kitchen island was soft and warm; he could let Tommy take his time.

“Am I too heavy?” Tommy fluttered his wings.

“No. But you should come closer.” Adam opened his mouth and put his hands on Tommy’s ass to pull him forward.

Tommy watched enrapt as his dick disappeared inside Adam’s mouth. It was difficult to focus on his dick though since Adam was kneading his ass. He loved how his cheeks fit in Adam’s big hands and he hoped that he could hold on for a bit longer.

Adam kept on sucking while moving his fingers closer to Tommy’s hole. If he didn’t get to see it yet, he wanted to at least get a touch.

“Is it too early to ask for a finger…?” Tommy panted.

Adam shook his head, hardly able to believe his ears.

Tommy twisted his upper body to open one of the drawers attached to the island. He was so glad that he had gotten one that came with drawers. He fished out a tube and squeezed some lube on Adam’s fingers.

Adam circled Tommy’s hole with his index finger, wondering if it would be too much of a tight fit even with lube. He switched to his pinkie finger, but Tommy whined and pushed deeper into his mouth.

“Just go for it,” Tommy pleaded. His barriers were thrown out the window and he didn’t care if anyone could hear them through the open window.

Adam pushed his index finger into Tommy’s hole. It was tight and Tommy made a beautifully wrecked sound. For once, he wasn’t sure if he could multitask; sucking and fingering at the same time didn’t feel too easy. He was too close to losing his mind.

Tommy threw his head back as Adam worked him on both ends. He had no idea what he had done to deserve this, but this was Heaven right here. He moved back and forth, unable to hold back his cries. This was his first time in this particular position, but it was quickly becoming one of his favorites.

Hearing that Tommy was close, Adam tightened his lips around Tommy’s dick. He also squeezed another finger inside Tommy’s hole and moved them in and out. Things had gotten out of hand-or into hand-rather unexpectedly and it was hard to believe this wonderful turn of events.

Tommy cried out one last time before shooting down Adam’s throat. A series of tremors shot through him as he lifted his ass and moved farther down Adam’s body. He didn’t want to crush someone who had given him one of the best orgasms in years.

Adam kept his fingers where they were, thrilled that Tommy didn’t seem to mind it. He let Tommy rest his head on his shoulder and caressed his wings.

“Please tell me you’re going to let me closer now,” he whispered, stroking the inside of Tommy’s hole.

Tommy wiggled his hips and gave Adam a lazy nod. He didn’t have it in him to say no anymore.

“Thank you.” Adam kissed the top of Tommy’s head, feeling as if he had won the entire world.

When Tommy opened his eyes, he was in his bed. Adam had to have carried him and tucked him in bed. The bedroom door was ajar and Adam’s humming glided in through the gap. He sounded relaxed and happy, which made him happy as well. He rolled onto his stomach and shoved his head under the misty pillow. He had expected to feel guilty and miserable, but he felt light and bright.

When he came up after giggling it out, he spotted a note on the nightstand. It read:

My dear angel,

How eagerly you snore!
But I’d easily listen to you more.

When you leave the land of dreams,
Come find me reliving my dreams.

Yours, Adam

Tommy rolled out of bed and put on a clean pair of pants. There was a spring in his step as he headed out to the living room. Adam was dusting the tall lamp like the good maid he was.

“Hey.” He waved the note in the air. “So poetic I’m crying. It rhymes and all.” He wiped away a fake tear.

“Aww, I’ll have to kiss away the tears then. Come here.” Adam put down the duster and opened his arms.

“You’re such a kissing monster.” Tommy folded the precious note and put it in his pocket.

“Did you put on some new pants? I hid the ones you were wearing, hoping to see you naked again.” Adam pulled Tommy by the front of his pants when he came within reach.

“That’s a cute but terrible plan.” Tommy let Adam kiss him on the neck. “I would’ve come out with a towel or the covers even if you had hidden all my pants.”

“You know… At first, I was thrilled you guys only wore a pair of shorts. But now, I wish you didn’t wear anything at all. I’m greedy like that.” Adam kissed every corner of Tommy’s face.

“Haha, I don’t think I’d get any work done if you were prancing around in all your naked glory.” Tommy played with Adam’s hair.

“Ah, yes, work. I can’t wait to have you all to myself on a weekend.” Adam wanted to weep when he remembered that it was only Tuesday.

“What’s wrong?” Tommy noticed that Adam had gone stiff.

“It’s Tuesday. I’ll need your strongest potion when I get to meet him.” Adam pretended to stumble forward.

“You’re talking about Freddie.” Tommy held onto Adam’s waist.

“Yeah. How long do you think it’ll take him to find me?”

“I don’t know. But I’ll check twice each day to see if he’s updated his contact info. I don’t see how else I can reach out to him without setting off all kinds of alarms.”

“Why can’t we just press F-R-E-D-D-I-E-M-E-R-C-U-R-Y on the phone? It worked with Hippocrates.”

“That only worked because he granted access in his contact info. Some angels value their privacy more than others and leave that section blank.”

“Ah, okay. We’ll just have to wait then.” Adam found it surprising that he didn’t have much problem with that. A new soul in the picture was another variable that might end up forcing him to stay apart from the angel in his arms.

Unbeknown to Adam, Tommy had the same worries. What if Freddie somehow knew how to send Adam home right away? What if he reported him to God? What if he wanted to take Adam to his place? Freddie was Adam’s guardian angel; he had no claim on the singer. And, what if Adam wanted to go with him?

“Hey, why so tense? Relax, baby.” Adam rubbed the base of Tommy’s wings.

“How are you so familiar with wings?” Tommy purred.

“I used to have a parrot and I’ve watched you closely.”

“Oh, how observant of you.” Tommy let out another purr.

“Well, I also googled ‘how to love your angel’. I didn’t want to ask Mike and I didn’t think it would raise any flags.”

“Probably not.” Tommy had to laugh at Adam’s readiness. He wondered what other tips he had gotten, but he didn’t get to guess. Adam had literally swept him off his feet.

Adam kissed the gasp out of Tommy as he held him tight. Love was no competition, but he thought that it would be nice if Tommy’s house was the brightest in the area. He knew that it might draw unwanted attention, but he wasn’t the type to keep his emotions hidden.

Tommy threw his arms around Adam’s neck as the kiss got deeper. His feet didn’t touch the floor, so he wrapped his legs around Adam’s waist. Their kisses could only get better as they found out what the other soul enjoyed. He liked it when Adam’s tongue swept the roof of his mouth and figured that Adam liked it when he… well, Adam seemed to like everything he did.

Adam smiled at the feel of sunlight on his face. He had never been one to find solace in the weather, but a ray of sunshine felt more promising than heavy fog. As Tommy made a pretty sound, he vowed to stick with him and cherish whatever time was left for them. Tommy was too real in his arms, but if this was a dream, he never wanted to wake up.

There is always some madness in love. But there is also always some reason in madness. - Friedrich Nietzsche

starfishing, adommy

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