Today, I didn't work. I don't mean that I didn't go in to work or that I wasn't productive there, I mean that I did not work.
I knew my brain wasn't in peak form when I managed to miss *3* trolleys in a row. The first, the driver pretended it was more full than it actually was, and he just drove by the people waiting to get on at 42nd. The second, I saw going down Woodland as I was half a block away; I saw the third going down Baltimore just as I turned around after missing the previous one. Gah. However, I REALLY knew my brain wasn't working when I realized, as I finally got off a trolley at Juniper, that I'd forgotten my wallet. Fabulous. Thankfully, I borrowed some cash from a paralegal at work and from Cameron, and made it through the day. [Must remember to pay them back tomorrow and Saturday, respectively.]
I don't know why my body wasn't working today. Perhaps I slept oddly, but for whatever reason, there were shooting pains in my upper arm whenever I raised my arm above my shoulder. Ouch. Thankfully, except for slight twinges, that had passed before rapper practice. It turns out that you have to raise your arms above your head A LOT in rapper.
On the bright side, I had the great pleasure of listening to a whole
CD of English country dance tunes, played by Bare Necessities. The tune for the eponymous dance, Bare Necessities, as I remember noticing before when I've danced it, is hauntingly beautiful.
crazycatlady5 told me about passion, integrity, and action. I was stunned. What a good reminder of how I've always wanted to live my life. Oddly, right now I feel like my integrity is holding me back; my over-deterministic tendencies make me obsess and overthink, until I can somehow decide that I know I'm doing the right thing, regardless of whether I can actually predict the outcome of any action. I've never been so scared of both action and inaction. ::sigh:: I must ponder more, but perhaps it's time to return to passion and enthusiasm; I took a tiny step in that direction by calling him and mentioning the possibility of a movie this weekend. We'll see if that actually happens.