App for niteo_nix

Aug 15, 2011 15:10


Name/Handle: Rea

Contact:(email), (AIM) NearTheHeart

Personal LJ: animegl


Name: Badou Nails

Series: DOGS: Bullets and Carnage

Canon: OU

Age: Early 20’s, probably 20-21ish.

Timeline: Chapter 64

History: The farthest back we see of Badou’s past is when he’s around his early teens. He lived with his older brother, Dave, and their parents are assumed to be out of the picture. Dave worked as a freelance journalist and Badou often tagged along on his information gathering missions and helped him out of tight spots. In the aftermath of a particularly dangerous scoop a group of strange soldiers tracked down the brothers and killed Dave and left Badou seriously wounded. Hence the eye patch and scar on his right hand. From the flashbacks we learn that Badou picked up smoking from his brother as well as his career of choice.

Fast-forward seven years and Badou is living alone and supporting himself with two jobs-his journalism and working part time at a shop. The only colleague he has that we know of is a girl named Mimi who’s always mocking Badou for his trouble making ways. Later on he is introduced to Heine by a priest in an underground church named Bishop. They are often hired for certain jobs by Miss Liza, the leader of a community for genetically manipulated people who are born with things like animal features, angel wings, etc. They make their base at Bishop’s church.

Heine and he eventually get involved with a mysterious girl, Naoto, who follows them to Liza’s place one day. After finding out Naoto’s reasons for seeking them out, Liza hires Badou to uncover information on the secret underground facility Heine is connected to. One day he receives a note inviting him to an orchestra performance along with two tickets. The conductor turns out to be a man nicknamed “Herbst” who was responsible for Dave’s death and Badou’s eye and the scar on his right hand.

They engage in a gun fight until Mihai, another acquaintance of Badou’s, shows up behind Herbst and holds him at gunpoint. Unfortunately Herbst has the ability to hypnotize people and he used this on Mihai to get him to shoot Badou, which he does. Soon after Herbst leaves them to be blown up by the bombs he set up in the building beforehand. They manage to escape in time and end up sharing a room in the hospital. During the time Badou and Mihai are fighting Herbst; the organization that created Heine releases a second attack on the Underground, leaving it blocked off from the upper level town. Heine, Naoto, Nill and the others are all stuck down there so Badou and Mihai leave the hospital early, despite their doctor’s protests, and take a passageway-that’s really more like a long stairway-that goes down to the Underground. But they are intercepted by one of the organization’s soldiers…and the chapter ends there.

Personality: Badou, at first glance, is a simple foul mouthed journalist with a penchant for getting himself into deep shit and enough luck to always come out of it alive and mostly unscathed. When the going gets tough he’d rather run for his life then stay and fight. Whether it is cowardice or pacifism, who knows, but he’s determined to survive no matter the cost because he doesn’t want to end up like his brother. Unfortunately, because of his job and being partnered with Heine, he is constantly put in dangerous situations that threaten his life.

That’s where the nicotine comes in. As long as he’s inhaling a steady amount of nicotine-or hell, even gun smoke-into his system he’s his usually foul mouthed, cowardly self. But when put under the stress of life endangerment and no cigarettes to take the edge off, he changes into a trigger happy, maniacal laughing nut job that shoots people down in his search for smokes. Now, he by no means suddenly changes personality or anything like that, he’s very aware of his actions and he never shoots at innocent people or his allies.

It’s implied that even when he lived with his brother Badou was the one who took care of the both o them. He learned how to sew by regularly sewing up his brother’s clothes and he was probably also responsible for making the food and looking after the house because his brother was either too busy to do it or too lazy. In a weird way he’s probably the closest thing to a voice of reason Heine or Naoto has because he’s the only one that warns them of what kind of hell they’d be facing if they continued with their search in the Underground.

He’s often seen as the comedy act of the group because his ability to get into trouble is so bad it hurts and he never fails to find himself in “funny” situations. He’s also probably the most social person of the company he keeps and though he doesn’t quite “look on the bright side of life” all the time, he doesn’t curl into a ball of woe either. Due to his job he knows a lot about the city-both the above ground and Underground-that he grew up in and knows all about the important people in said city. What we can get from that is he has a good memory and doesn’t suck at his job, trouble making aside.

When interacting with others he’s basically the same with everyone. He’s sarcastic, blunt, and honest. Unless he’s trying to get something out of you, or you’re just an innocent little kid, or he happens to really, really like you, he won’t bother to censor himself and will basically tell it like it is. I think it’s safe to say that currently the two closest people to Badou are Mimi and Heine and even though he seems to argue with them both more than anything else, he relies on their abilities and generally likes their company. But that doesn’t stop him from calling them names, but they deserve it. Really. Also, the death of his brother really gave Badou a jaded and almost cynical view of the world. He doesn’t do what he does out of a sense of heroism or because he wants to help people, but simply because he wants to carry on his brother’s legacy.

Also worth mentioning: he has a very twisted view of his scarred eye and what it stands for to him. When Naoto tells them about her reasons for searching the Underground he uses his eye as an example of why she should turn back and takes the eye patch off and says “Before you end up like this.” He also sometimes stares at the scar in his right hand with a bit of a sad or resigned look. It’s both a reminder of his brother and a reminder of how bad the world can really be.

Abilities/Additional Notes: Badou is totally and utterly human with no extraordinary powers whatsoever. Well, sort of. He has a really, really bad nicotine addiction that has him smoking a cigarette nearly all the time. But when he runs out of smokes and/or hasn’t had a fix for awhile he’s been known to go a little insane. Insane, in this case, meaning he has a tendency to start shooting at people-usually people already shooting at him-and takes them out ruthlessly until he finds someone who has some cigarettes on them. His weapons of choice are usually a pair of Ingram MAC Model 10 machine guns which he has a habit of randomly picking up. So while he has knowledge on how to use guns, he generally won’t use them unless he’s on withdrawals.

Also, he works as a freelance journalist, and has skills in gathering information-for a price; though his clumsy nature gets him into serious trouble. And, this isn’t an ability but more of a disability, his right eye is completely useless so he can only see on one side, leaving his right side vulnerable. He can also sew and probably cook as well.

Third-Person Sample: He only caught a glimpse of it from the shadows, but it made his blood run cold because there was no mistaking it. No mistaking the black mask that took the form of a dog ready to pounce at the slightest hint of fear. It haunted his nightmares and suddenly he was a kid again, backed into the corner with a dozen of these creatures standing over him. And then one raises his knife-Herbst, he knew now was his name-Herbest raised his knife and sliced down tearing through his hand to his eye in one blow. His blood, his brother’s blood, everywhere. He needs to warn Mihai, he needs to run away, they’re both wounded and not a match for this thing. Suddenly his world spins in place and his vision goes black.

When consciousness returns he can tell he’s on the ground. That’s one to add to the list of embarrassing moments. Badou Nails, shaken to his core with fear, faints like some chick in a trashy romance novel. At least he’s still in one piece as far as he can tell. Without opening his eye he slowly pushes himself up into a sitting position. His hand slides along the ground until it hits something that is one part hard and another part squishy. Finally he dares to open his eye and sees that he’s holding a bone with a piece of flesh still on it. He screams-and if it comes out a little high pitched this is one scenario where he’s entitled to it-and throws it away from him all the while scrabbling to his feet.

That’s when he realizes he’s not in the tunnel anymore, hell; he’s not even underground anymore! Scattered across the ground are picked bones and puddles of dried up blood. In the distance he can see destroyed and damaged buildings. “What the fuck is this place?”

Something tells him his day is about to get a lot more complicated. And…he’s out of cigarettes.

First-Person Sample Journal Post: [The sound of buttons being pressed and a few choice curses are heard over the voice feature until it suddenly switches to video. You get a nice shot of an eye patch as Badou moves the device away from his face. You get a look at a young man with long red hair, an eye patch over his right eye and a crushed box of cigarettes in his other hand.

He’s shaking the box upside down and looking crestfallen when nothing comes out of it. Finally he focuses his attention on the device.]

Okay, I really hope this thing works because it’s the only thing on me that looks like it may be able to contact anyone. So, if you’re out there, this is my S.O.S. First order of business, where can I buy some cigarettes?

And second, where the hell am I?

I’ll give bonus points to whoever can answer both.

[He goes to turn it off but pauses.] And so help me Heine, if I’ve been kidnapped by your crazy “family” I’m kicking your ass!

!ooc, !application

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