Aug 31, 2005 09:55
oh the irony. after the last two storms(ivan and dennis) everyone i know(including myself) has said how much fun hurricanes are or how much they wish we would actually get something big. well, we may not have gotten the big storm this time but i sincerely hope that everyone STOPS wishing that. hearing the stories and watching the news clips from new orleans makes me sick to my stomach. its all just so awful. people are homeless now because of this. people are dead. everyone one of those bodies that were pulled out from underneath houses were people with plans for the rest of this year, for the rest of their lives. and now they are gone. new orleans has become a toxic waste dump. and they got the good side of the storm. i cant even think about what has happened in mississippi.
on a lighter note, sunday was my birthday. mom II(mikes mom) gave me this really pretty, really old brooch. i dont know what ill wear it with but i like it a lot.