I remember when Hannah told me, before she told any of our other friends that she was going to be home-schooled. I remember one night I cried. Now if you know me, I DONT cry, i simply dont. I was worried i would becomce a loner again. no one to sit with at lunch nothing, just lonely me. I was unsure what would happen without my best friend. Then i told myself to get a grip. The thing that made me stop was what i said to myself.
"Stop crying, it's not like she is moving away, and you'll never see her again."
I havent cried since then. Even when she told me the news she was leaving. I don't honestly know why?
One thing I love about Hannah is how smart she is. If you read her journals you are educating yourself. The words she uses. No one says those thing, but, Hannah. She's always ready to go to the mall. In a matter of speaking. She might not be physically ready, because when I go to pick her up i usually end up waiting an extra 20 minutes. which is fine i can talk to Buddy in that time. Hannah always has an opinion and she doesnt care whether she is right or wrong, as long as you know she has something to say. There is just so many things about Hannah that make her wonderful.
Hannah don't be 100 percent miserable, "for every minute of unhappiness, is 60 seconds lost of a smile." You can do anything, you are smart you are beautiful, and i do love your hair! Dont hate yourself, you arent ugly nor stupid. You may say you can find hundreds of things wrong with you. But Im having trouble finding one. you asked someone to be completely honest with you and tell you what they think. I am hannah. You arent a bitch, not at the least. You are so caring, and wonderful, there is no female dog there. Like i said you don't look bad, and I love your hair. Its so cute and you! You arent obnoxious. People at Glen Lake are going to remember you for being so helpful and caring, smart and wonderful. As for your parents being syco, mine are too. My dad is never around so i cant call him anything but a jackass. My mom you know well. We fight a lot according to you. I dont see that, thats how we communicate. Why are people assholes you ask? I dont know? Maybe to make people that do good in their life even better. Have you made a difference in anyones life? Not only mine, but our whole groups of friends Hannah. The lunch table is quiet when you are gone, thats always something said. Quiet not being a good thing. Nobody really says anything. Hannah you have done so much for me and everyone else. Dont ever think you havent helped, changed, made some sort of difference in someones life. Its a lie, and you'll go to hello for that.
I love you Hannah, and thats all i can say to that.
Sniff flamingo22 2003-06-16 18:28 (link) Select oh megs. what can i say? i love you too. i can't even begin to address what was said in there, so let it suffice to say i love you and i really thank you for saying all that nice shit. waaaaaa i'm about to cry. (Reply to this)
Luv you too! saltnpeppa 2003-06-16 18:33 (link) Select Im sorry it took so damn long to read it lol. I love you too hannah. Do you people see what i mean with her using the dictionary in her writing. ("suffice" told you so!) Well, moms saying she has to call rob, i love you, bye!
I remember when Hannah told me, before she told any of our other friends that she was going to be home-schooled. I remember one night I cried. Now if you know me, I DONT cry, i simply dont. I was worried i would becomce a loner again. no one to sit with at lunch nothing, just lonely me. I was unsure what would happen without my best friend. Then i told myself to get a grip. The thing that made me stop was what i said to myself.
"Stop crying, it's not like she is moving away, and you'll never see her again."
I havent cried since then. Even when she told me the news she was leaving. I don't honestly know why?
One thing I love about Hannah is how smart she is. If you read her journals you are educating yourself. The words she uses. No one says those thing, but, Hannah. She's always ready to go to the mall. In a matter of speaking. She might not be physically ready, because when I go to pick her up i usually end up waiting an extra 20 minutes. which is fine i can talk to Buddy in that time. Hannah always has an opinion and she doesnt care whether she is right or wrong, as long as you know she has something to say. There is just so many things about Hannah that make her wonderful.
Hannah don't be 100 percent miserable, "for every minute of unhappiness, is 60 seconds lost of a smile." You can do anything, you are smart you are beautiful, and i do love your hair! Dont hate yourself, you arent ugly nor stupid. You may say you can find hundreds of things wrong with you. But Im having trouble finding one. you asked someone to be completely honest with you and tell you what they think. I am hannah. You arent a bitch, not at the least. You are so caring, and wonderful, there is no female dog there. Like i said you don't look bad, and I love your hair. Its so cute and you! You arent obnoxious. People at Glen Lake are going to remember you for being so helpful and caring, smart and wonderful. As for your parents being syco, mine are too. My dad is never around so i cant call him anything but a jackass. My mom you know well. We fight a lot according to you. I dont see that, thats how we communicate. Why are people assholes you ask? I dont know? Maybe to make people that do good in their life even better. Have you made a difference in anyones life? Not only mine, but our whole groups of friends Hannah. The lunch table is quiet when you are gone, thats always something said. Quiet not being a good thing. Nobody really says anything. Hannah you have done so much for me and everyone else. Dont ever think you havent helped, changed, made some sort of difference in someones life. Its a lie, and you'll go to hello for that.
I love you Hannah, and thats all i can say to that.
2003-06-16 18:28 (link) Select
oh megs. what can i say? i love you too. i can't even begin to address what was said in there, so let it suffice to say i love you and i really thank you for saying all that nice shit. waaaaaa i'm about to cry.
(Reply to this)
Luv you too!
2003-06-16 18:33 (link) Select
Im sorry it took so damn long to read it lol. I love you too hannah. Do you people see what i mean with her using the dictionary in her writing. ("suffice" told you so!) Well, moms saying she has to call rob, i love you, bye!
A look back at two years ago...
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