Apart from the strange apostrophe, there's nothing wrong about The Yeah You's.
Their début album Looking Through You is out this week and it is simply, amazing. Really good.
I first heard them when someone mentioned them on NOTBBC about two years ago. They've had a couple of singles, ones which were given some money to by the label - they had videos and TV advertising.
YOU MUST go and listen to the album, the track Ready To Love Again, is particularly special as is If I Could.
http://www.myspace.com/theyeahyous Here are the videos for the singles.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=abMg0cUCiiI http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wupJ7MmIr9k Island have disabled embedding, because they're fucktards.
#One more runner in the human race, faded at the 13th mile, dropping off the front man's pace, crawling with the rank and file#
Man this album is splendid pop music.
Breaking news: it's going to be Album of the Week on Radio 2 next week! Yay!