A quick update about my plinthing!
Got into London late, went up to see the Hendon posse. Mr
speednik kindly stayed up with me and came with me to Trafalgar Square.
We stayed in and awake until 3am, then got a nightbus straight to TrafSq. Security check then inside to fill in releases. Shorlty before going on, Mr Sedgebeer also turned up to support me!
I had to give an audio interview and had my photo taken. Then up onto the plinth.
It wasn't as scary as I thought it would be, height wise, and was a good lark.
I had endless twitters and emails, I could barely keep up.
As I got on the plinth the sun was making noises, but it was still very dark, by the time I got off the plinth, dawn had broken and it was properly sunny.
Thanks to everyone who sent messages and tuned in to watch.
If you missed it, you can watch the whole thing again here:
http://www.oneandother.co.uk/participants/RevDivaSchematic Here are a couple of photos I took.
When I got the train home and met John he bought me a present, the new Prof Layton game for the DS, I am very amused by this.
I have had three hours sleep in the last 34, I am quite tired.