Two vid recs, and your moment of zen.

Sep 02, 2013 14:18

1) Music teacher Sarah Horn is plucked from the audience to sing "For Good" with Kristin Chenoweth at the Hollywood Bowl. I have watched this vid I don't even know how many times, and I both grin my face off at Kristin's reaction to hearing that voice come out of this unknown woman and get tears in my eyes as I vicariously live a dream through her.

2) "What I've Done": a Glee ensemble vid that highlights so beautifully how deep and serious the pain of the show is, how hard it is for these kids to navigate their lives beyond the jazz hands and cheery pop numbers that only make up a small portion of the actual show. It's a gritty, powerful look at the first couple of seasons and how raw, harsh, and real it can be beneath it all... and how the found family of Glee Club, as much as it can hurt each other, makes it all bearable.

And here it is, your moment of zen:

Last night, mr. muse and the museling were bickering about something, probably who got to pick what was for dessert or something equally important, and - in an odd example of life imitating art - they decided to have a sing-off to decide who would win. o.O So there was a diva-off in my very own front hall. I had absolutely nothing to do with it. They sang "Bad Romance."

Apparently my life could be an episode of Glee: the thirtysomething years

recs: vids, fm in rl

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