Yeah, I've got nothing.

Sep 01, 2013 15:45

I was just sitting here worrying about why I'm feeling so amazingly antisocial that I'm having trouble making myself write comments/e-mails/posts or arranging visits with RL friends this week and wondering if something is wrong with me... and then I remembered that I've been on mom/wife duty 24/7 for well over a week with travel and without any significant breaks whatsoever, not even while sleeping, with the most talkative, interactive, and needy child on the planet (and who is having real trouble with the idea of going to a new school and so is a physical and emotional limpet, no, really, he's half on my lap having a snack as I'm typing). Oh. Well, then. I'm fine. My introverted self is already being plenty social, just not with adult friends.

Whew. Okay.

I did manage to write a little season two Dalton-era Klaine ficlet yesterday, though, so I figure that's a good sign that I'm still me somewhere inside of this hollowed-out shell of a person. :)

(The soundtrack to my life immediately following me typing that emoticon: "Mama, how did my toe make that noise? Did you hear that noise? Did you hear my toe make that click? *wiggles his toes a lot until it clicks again* How did it make that click? Do you think it could make that click in the pool? That would be fun, clicking my toe in the pool! Oh, my water is cold! My ice is melting! Bye, ice! Have fun melting! Mama, do you see my ice melting? I like ice. Thank you for my ice.")

Okay, back to organizing toys, books, and clothes. At least he loves organizing as much as I do. Someday I'll take him to the Container Store and watch him swoon.

fm in rl

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