I remember sleep... vaguely...

Jun 02, 2009 11:37

Thank you all for your replies to my last message; I read them all, but as you might imagine my computer time is EXTREMELY limited at the moment so pardon me for not replying to them personally right now.

For only a couple of days in, I think we're doing pretty well. We're slowly getting a routine, the museling seems to like us (and has the most adorable smile and biggest laugh in the world), and we're coming to terms with the reality of being parents. It seems stupid to be so overwhelmed and surprised by it, since we put a heck of a lot of thought and effort to get here, but wow it's way more than we even could have imagined. Of course, it'd be much easier if the museling would sleep anywhere but on top of one of us. Naps, nighttime, all of it needs to be flopped on someone, preferably me. It really cuts into our time to recharge ourselves.

We're seeing some progress, and by the wee hours of the morning today he was sleeping next to me in the bed instead of plastered to my chest, but it isn't fast enough for this tired woman!

Anyway, we're surviving, the museling is probably the happiest of the three of us, which means we're doing something right, and the cat is being extremely good with him. I was worried she would want nothing to do with him, but she buzzes through and says hi and allows a few pats here and there. She also gets HUGE laughs when she jumps around after a toy. It was so sweet, though; I took a nap yesterday afternoon, and she climbed on top of me and purred and purred like I'd been gone for weeks. I couldn't bear to move her, even if I really wanted to sleep without something holding me down!

adoption, fm in rl, family

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