A hole in the world.

Feb 09, 2007 21:18

As I've mentioned before, my parents have been watching all of Buffy and Angel in order, and they only have three episodes of Angel left. My mother (who was originally not particularly interesting in watching the shows at all) is distraught, and it reminds me all over again of how much it hurt to know that the show was ending. It's still like a blow to my chest.

"How can it be over?" she asked me today. "The world is so real. They aren't characters being played by actors; they're people. Real people. How did I live without knowing them? How can their stories be over? How can there be no more? There has to be more."

I know, Mom. I know. (But I'm still not introducing you to fanfic.)

As much as I delight in every foible of John and Rodney on SGA or make squeaky dolphin noises at due South and Sports Night, there's something about the world of Buffy and Angel, something about its intensity and complexity and true families made of friends, that will always make it the first fandom in my heart. Not the only one, maybe not the most passionate love of any given moment, but the one imprinted the deepest upon me. Maybe it's because it was my first proper fandom or maybe it's because of its specific characters and situations, but it's inside of me, and I couldn't let it go even if I tried.

I love my dead gay shows.

I also love our live gay fanfic. In our neck of the woods, canon is never closed! :)

tv: btvs, tv: ats

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