Long time, no post...And an announcement!

Nov 22, 2009 09:11

Well, needless to say it's been a busy semester, the least of which has actually been the academic workload. In fact, I can state with confidence that I have spent almost as much time putting out bureaucratic fires than I have with schoolwork. Other inconveniences have also come into play, and I will be more than happy to provide a list as soon as my final assignments are done in the next few weeks.

However, one of the disruptions was a potentially blessed event - my Lil' Sis (yes, THAT one) gave birth last Sunday to a beautiful little girl. Maeve Rose arrived at 5:39 a.m. on November 15th, weighing in at 7.1 lbs. and 20 inches. While she is doing just fine, there were several complications with the delivery that resulted in unpleasant aftermath for Lil' Sis, a few due to incompetence on the part of the medical staff. A word of advice to others - avoid giving birth at a teaching hospital, particularly TGH.

Of course my enthusiasm is being held in check by some trepidation. While I love my sister, she certainly hasn't made some good life choices and her current spouse's handling of his previous offspring has been inconsistent and overly indulgent, leading to one child that is a manipulative and spoiled bully. In fact, she pulled a tantrum after my sister started her two-minute contractions and was attempting to go to the hospital; as a result, their departure was delayed by 40 minutes. That's right, they tried to reason with a self-centered 17 year old in the midst of a medical emergency, rather than issue a smack-down. Such flaccid discipline, among other little quirks, gives me pause.

Otherwise, I love my new little niece, and wish my sister and brother-in-law well; they're going to need it. For those of you interested by such data, a preliminary astrological chart was done - the tyke has five signs in Scorpio (Sun, Moon, Rising, Mercury and Venus) and Mars in Leo. If such augury holds true, Maeve Rose is going to be quite a force to be reckoned with.
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