Jun 25, 2006 23:59
We spent the weekend on the farm with Sheldon's family. Amy was home from school for the weekend also. I love that girl, she's deffinatly the sister I always wanted. We got in Friday evening just before sundown and had dinner in the three seasons room with Sheldon's parents and Kyle. Amy had a date, at home in Grand Rapids, so she came home Saturday in time to help start the preperation for the big family reunion. It was 130 years of the farm. One of their golden retreivers died a few weeks ago, and the other on, Roger, was kinda mopey all weekend, so we went for a nice long walk down the dirt road, just me and the dog and it was sooo relaxing. I love country life. Sheldon played piano (beautifully) at church this morning and the reunion was this weekend. It went great, and I found out that one of Sheldon's dad's cousin's grandchildren (how is that for confusing?) is engaged to a girl I went to high school with. It's a small world after all! I'm back in the city now and getting ready for my last week before a week of vacation!