(no subject)

Jun 14, 2006 12:06

Where has the summer gone? I'm two weeks away from being finished with my first summer semester, which is a little scary, considering mid-terms were last friday and finals are two weeks from today! Eeeeek! I'm not ready. I have 14 days to learn how to overcome test anxiety and pass chemistry with flying colors (the second time around).

I havn't been sleeping wonderfully lately. My nights are plauged with weird, very life like dreams, confronting me with people and situations I thought I've passed in my life or are not yet ready to encounter. I can't help but wonder if it's my unconciousness's way of telling me that there are people I need to find and get complete closure from before I can find ultimate comfort and happiness with Sheldon. The thought of dredging up these two people is not appealing. Both the relationships ended on bad bad terms, with me being very angry for a very long time. One, I havn't talked to since and the other one, I only exchange plesentries with when I run into him from time to time when I'm home (which thank God dosnt' happen very often). Even so, I can't imagine what I would begin to say to either of them or for that matter if I really want to. I'm hoping this is just a phase that will pass, I'm thinking maybe it's just the warm weather dragging up the memories of romances that started in warm weather in days past. Who knows, but I've got more important things to think about.

On a happier note, Sheldon and I had a little weekend get-a-way to Muskegon last weekend. We camped at PJ Hoffmaster State Park. We drove up to Whitehall and had lunch at this great little garden resturant that was attached to a B&B. We laid out on the beach and attempted to play in the bitter cold waves, we built a sand castle and camp fires. It was wonderful. The only fly in the ointment was when our airmatress sprung a leak and went compleatly flat somewhere around 2am on Saturday morning, leaving us on the ground and freezing in the 40 degree weather. Other than that, it was perfect. It was the first time in amost 8 months that we've gotten 48 hours compleatly to ourselves!
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