Ugh...the suspense is killing me!

Jan 25, 2011 00:11

Nothing really interesting. In fact, it's quite lame. (Almost literally, yuck yuck yuck.)

I've been limping for a couple months and finally got into the doc for some tests. To my surprise, the one test I fully expected to be completely clean - my x-ray - apparently wasn't, because he called me and told me I had to come back in to discuss my results.

I'm not really worried about it, but the curiosity is driving me crazy! I just want to know, dang it! Haha. And here I thought I'd been getting better about my insatiable curiosity the older I got.


On another front, I'm finally reading again! Huzzah! I'm not sure if I've stated this before, but I've become rather anal about keeping track of my book reading. This mostly results from my trying (and failing) to recall the names of a couple books I've read so that I can either re-read them or recommend them, so now I have an entire spreadsheet dedicated to the details of what and when I read something.

Yes, I am a dork.

Part of this was because I'd also had the goal of reading 100 books in 2009 and, well, that didn't quite happen. I was right on track until about June but then I fizzled out and ended the year at 52 books. Last year I only managed 26. I didn't read a single thing from September to December. How ridiculous is that!

Anyhow, finally started reading again the end of December, which means I also started writing again about the end of December. Finally :P

Got a drabble out at iyissekiwa and have about 7-8 pages done on SP. I estimate there's probably only about 3 chapters yet (though I've been seriously wrong every time I've put out an estimation before), so I'll get this thing done yet!

writing, real life

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