People are retarded + MiroSanta

Jan 09, 2010 06:01

Sometimes I forget just how rude, inconsiderate, messy, and generally boorish people can be, and then it all happens at one time to slap me in the face and I wanna punch some people bad. Needless to say work tonight wasn't fabulous, haha.

But seriously, I mean - my store is not your living room. Don't sit down in the middle of the freaking aisle to ( Read more... )

mir/san, fanfiction, work, real life, inuyasha

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aamalie January 9 2010, 14:15:38 UTC
I tend to kick my shoes off a lot, but I usually wear heels or flats. Sneakers? Dude, those things need to stay on. Socks, doubly so.

Anyway, about to start your MiroSanta - you do realize you only had to write a oneshot and not a novella, right? =P (So not complaining. The more to read the better!)


flametwirler January 13 2010, 04:51:17 UTC
Yeah, seriously. We actually found a pair of socks stuffed behind some books the other day. *shakes head*

And, erm, the story got away from me a bit, haha. Ah well, what gets written gets written. Hope you enjoyed it though ^_^


aamalie January 13 2010, 04:54:00 UTC
...I hope you put the books they were touching on discount?

Oh, I loved it. I take forever and a day to mull over what I read, but expect a lengthy, gushing review of fangirly proportions in the near future. :D And demands for more Mir/San, because you write them so darn pretty.


flametwirler January 13 2010, 05:08:41 UTC
Wow, well that was quick. ^_-

I wasn't the one who found 'em in the kids' department but I'm sure something must've happened because we have kids drooling all over books all the time and have to deal with that. (teeth marks? erk - going back to publisher!)

On a completely random note, can I just tell you though, that with as much as our 'sexuality' section gets gone through I almost cringe for the cleanliness of anyone purchasing one of them. *doesn't like reorganizing that section at the end of the night*

And yay! So glad you like. I'm silly and get paranoid when I put something out there and don't hear much on it, so I can now breathe a sigh of relief *whew* haha.

Oh, and I have also decided that, if no one else has picked it up yet, I'm writing your prompt for you (and am really hoping I'm not the one who screwed it up in the first place...) It'll probably be a bit though, just to forewarn ya.


aamalie January 13 2010, 05:17:05 UTC
Haha, well when I'm online I always have my email open and it's self-refreshing. The label on the tab will tell me if I have a new unread email - thus, fast LJ responses. :D

I must say though, I think you've suddenly and effectively disillusioned my view of bookstores. =/

And... wow, you really don't have to do that! But wow, I appreciate it so much! (And no worries, it wasn't you!) I can be somewhat patient when necessary, but now I'm totally giddy with anticipation! ^_^


flametwirler January 13 2010, 08:14:21 UTC
Wow, well I'm so glad I was able to crush your bookstore love :P ( ... )


flametwirler January 13 2010, 08:18:04 UTC
How on earth do I end up writing the longest replies EVER! (and you wonder why my FIC got out of hand...)


aamalie January 13 2010, 14:54:49 UTC
How on earth do I end up writing the longest replies EVER!
*grins* I tend to inspire that in people. Excessive verbosity = totally okay by me! (Does that sound like a band name or is it just me?)

Wow, well I'm so glad I was able to crush your bookstore love
I don't know about crushing my bookstore love - actually, I don't think that's even possible. That said, next time I go to one I think I'll be bringing hand sanitizer, and then disinfect whatever I buy once I get home. D:

what are you going to do, strangle me over the internetz?
There's an idea... *crafty smirk* For uh, the less awesome sort, of course, not you.

As far as fanfic goes, I'm pretty easy to please, and you seem to have a great grasp of the characters, so I've got nothing to add. But really, it was no effort - just a shameless plot to get people to write more. (And it worked!) =P


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