
Nov 22, 2009 01:23

I've come to a rather unfortunate (and belated) realization. The rest of my outline for Shrine Prostitute is chock full of drama - and I can't STAND it. Well blarg.

Problem is, I think it's the right direction, so that's why I was bearing with it before, but I've realized that's likely a large contributor to my lack of productivity. I mean, time and health issues aside, when you're excited for something you find the time to squeeze in a bit here or there. And while I have done that to an extent, I'm pretty sure I'm gonna toss out half of what I've written.

Then it finally dawns on me: so what if it's the right way to go about things. Sure, I could just let it write itself, but I'm the author and if I don't get around to writing it then it won't get written at all so I should find some way to fix things so I'm excited about it again.

Then I come to the conclusion that I'm a nitwit. Really, it's so simple. Keep the direction but change or take out elements of the outline. *smacks forehead* I've taken out one semi-major element and I can't even tell you the relief I feel. It's utterly absurd. Now I just need to figure out a few more things, whether to nix them altogether or just modify them, and then I'll be set to go and free as a bird, haha.

Oh, and P.S. - if anyone has any kind of medical knowledge and would be willing to let me pick their brain for a particular thing I'm trying to figure out, please let me know. I'd appreciate it greatly.


Now, on a slightly related but mostly random note, I started reading a very long, finished (yay!) fic the other day. Me, I have to make sure that I start fics like this at particular times because I will stay up all night to finish, even to the point of making myself sick the next day, and then when I get home do I sleep like any sane person should? No, I finish the bloody fic. So I'd been putting this one off and was very excited...

...until I realized three chapters in that I'd already read it. I find it really sad that not only could I not remember having read the thing I couldn't even recognize it at first. I mean, this is a popular fic! So I don't get it.

fanfiction, shrine prostitute

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