An Update

Aug 24, 2010 16:14

Let's see:

*I still like my job, though sometimes it (really, some people) can be rrrreeeeaaaaalllllyyyy frustrating.
*I got a raise! Well, actually, now the firm is paying for my health insurance (it was coming out of my salary pre-taxes before). But, effectively, that's a raise! I don't know what the difference will be in my checks yet (it will take effect on Friday's check), but hopefully it will make a difference. With my luck, it will bump me up another tax bracket and I'll actually be taking home /less/ or something.
*I've taken Kaylee to the dog park a couple of times and on walks with some of my other friends' dogs. She seems to like this, though she's still nervous and doesn't really like it when the other dogs bother her. She was mopey for awhile after Smooch died (which was surprising, because we thought she wouldn't care), and she still seems to be looking for someone to play with, EVEN THOUGH THE DOG DOESN'T PLAY. What a confusing little beagle. I love her though.
*Meg continues to demand and receive the love and adoration of every human that passes through her domain.
*I got a Groupon for some yoga classes a while ago and think I'm going to go to one tonight. I often get weird feelings in my muscles like I need to stretch and can't stretch them enough. I'm hoping this might help with that, and at any rate, it ought to be a nice change of pace from my normal workout routine.
*I've gained some of my weight back. Not too much (~8-10 pounds), but I need to step up the exercise and step down the ice cream a bit, I think. As the weather gets cooler I can go on more long walks the way I was in the spring, so that should help.
*I'm going to Albuquerque for a much-too-short visit this weekend, and then my parents are coming to visit over Labor Day weekend. I'm super excited about both.
*I'm considering taking an introductory conversational Spanish course through TCC's continuing education department this semester. I wish they had a German one so I could just go and practice my German, but I've always wanted to learn Spanish, since it would probably actually be useful. I just have to come up with the $125 + textbook.
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