i hate frogs

Mar 14, 2004 21:27

OMG last night was so eventful. so i'm laying in bed, winding down and almost ready to go to sleep. i heard some noises, but i thought that it was just a tree rubbing against the side of my house. all of a sudden, a big ass frog JUMPED ON MY FACE!!!! holy crap, i was freaking out.

i jumped out of bed so quickly. i looked at my wall and this huge frog was jumping up my wall but then he fell on my PILLOW! i was going to get a glass and get it while it was on the wall, but i was afraid that it was going to jump on me. now don't think that i'm a little girly girl, i can stand bugs, and i like frogs when looking from afar, but when it jumps on me and has the capability to do it again, then i really don't like it and wnat to get it way the hell away from me. so then the frog jumped behind my nightstand. i didn't think that i was going to be able to get it again because i couldn't see it. but it finally hopped into the middle of my room (where i was standing/huddled) and i slapped a glass on top of it and put it on top of my clipboard. but then i felt bad for it and thought i was going to kill it, so i tried to put it in a box with holes so it would at least be able to get fresh air. but everytime it got to the bottom of the glass, and i was about to pull the glass off, it jumped up and scared the crap out of me. but i eventually got the frog safely into the box, with the glass on top so it definitely couldn't get out. so then i put on long sleeves and long pants so that if something else decided to jump on me, i wouldn't feel it. i still felt like frogs were all over me. it was disgusting. i don't think i'll ever be the same.

this morning i told my family my horrifying story and when i showed them the frog my mom freaked out because she thought i was talking about a tiny little tree frog, but i swear, this frog was big. i should have taken a picture of it. for real.

i'm scarred for life.
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